According to Iriarte, they have seen a gap of improvement in which they will try to exploit it. In recent weeks, negotiations are under way with the Finance Minister, Pedro Aspiazu, and with the group designated by EH Bildu – Maddalen Iriarte himself, the coordinator of the parliamentary group Nerea Kortajarena, the programme director of EH Bildu, Pello Otxandiano and the general coordinator of EH Bilrudu, Unai Uru.
Following the negotiations, EH Bildu decided this week not to carry out an amendment to the whole, as, although there is no agreement in the political field, he sees interesting options in the economic field. Naiz announced last day 17 that EH Bildu made a 118 million proposal to Aspiazu to carry out actions on climate emergency, social policy, housing and youth. The jeltzale reduced the offer and replied with an option of EUR 72 million. According to journalist Iker Rioja in El Diario, EH Bildu would also be able to manage a fund of EUR 90 million for its citizens.
Both sides have announced that, in the coming days, they will continue the negotiations to reach an agreement. The left-wing force has withdrawn the total opposition shown so far to approve the budgets and has opened the door to an agreement with the Basque Government. Eh Bildu approved the budgets of the Government of Spain and the Government of Navarra in 2021 and has announced that it will do the same with those of the governments of Pamplona and Madrid in 2022.
The other political forces in the Basque Parliament, Elkarrekin Podemos, PP-C’s and Vox have announced that they will table amendments to the whole. Lehendakari Urkullu thanked EH Bildu for his attitude and said that the door to agreements is open for the future.
On the 2023 portal, the 2022 numbers gain a special prominence, as with the change of year we always try to zero the counter. In the age of liquid realities, numbers also disappear from our additivity, often at tremendous speed, and even transform. Surely a simple attempt I... [+]
They say that the PNV has left the negotiations to bring more money to the TAV by the time of the vote in the Spanish Senate. On this occasion, it is expected that the train will be incorporated into the capitals, along with the metro that the citizens do not need in San... [+]
Abenduaren 23ko bozketan abstenitu egingo da EH Bildu. Akordioa medio, 253 milioi euroko partida eskatuko duten zuzenketak egingo dira aurrekontuetan, eta koalizioak proposatutako sei neurri politikoetatik hiru onartu dira.
The government has presented the draft prepared for 2022 as “the largest budgets in history.” Yeah, if you just look at the numbers. But even though they're big, they don't have to be enough and the biggest ones you can do. What would be different would be the film “wealth... [+]