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EH Bildu, PNV and PSE-EE agree to review the Osakidetza job vacancy model

  • The three parties have agreed on a parliamentary initiative calling for the Osakidetza OPE model to be revised and the consolidation processes to be completed.

26 September 2024 - 10:43
Artxiboetako argazkia. Osakidetzaren murrizketak salatzeko elkarretaratze bat. Argazkia: ELA

Agreement between EH Bildu, PNV and PSE-EE: They have agreed on a non-law proposition that requires "reviewing" Osakidetza's job vacancy model and "ending" the consolidation processes. The vote will take place this Thursday in the Basque Parliament, according to parliamentary sources.

The text includes the request for analysis of formulas to provide "greater stability" to the staff of Osakidetza, as well as the assessment of the care needs and coverage required in each OSI.

ELA message: Concrete solutions are needed

ELA published its last reading on Osakidetza in a statement issued on 24 September. He calls on the Health Advisor, Alberto Martínez, to go beyond the words: "We have been announcing for weeks the main measures you want to put in place to solve the serious problems that Osakidetza has. However, these announcements have not been launched and have not even been taken to the Osakidetza Sectoral Bureau."

The union has also denounced the lack of "political will" and "initiative" of the Health Advisor in the face of the health crisis. Following the announcement by the advisor to an extraordinary OPE and measures to improve working conditions, ELA regretted that there was no exchange with the trade unions. With regard to the establishment of the post of Emergency Coordinator, please clarify the following: "Absolutely nothing has been raised in the Sectoral Bureau on this issue. This is a unilateral measure that has not been transferred to the trade unions".

In this regard, he has forwarded the following requests to the Health Advisor: "Launch the extraordinary POs for all categories as soon as possible. (...) It is also essential to improve the working conditions of the whole collective".


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