The neighbours of Zubieta Street in Donostia-San Sebastian have woken up this Tuesday with another hole in the facade of their vivienda.El hole, about two meters in diameter, is related, as recognized by Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS), with a problem similar to that arising on 5 June in the area by the works of the underground passage of the city metro.Ante
Spokeswoman for the municipal group of EH Bildu in Donostia-San Sebastian, Reyes Carrere, has come to the scene of the event and criticized the mayor for "not taking any responsibility" in the video hung on Twitter of the party. He has also requested the appearance of the Councillor for Transport of the Basque Government, Iñaki Arriola, in the Basque Parliament. “There is fear among the neighbours. It is the result of the negligence of these months: Eneko Goia and Iñaki Arriola, at last, have to assume political responsibilities." Carrere, for his part, recalled the accidents that took place on 5 June in the same street because of the works: "This is not the first time an incident of this kind occurs. It's no coincidence.
Elkarrekin spokeswoman Donostia, Aitzole Araneta, has criticized that "do not take a step further" until an emergency audit is carried out to "clarify the veneer" of these trabajos.El new zulo shows that the works are paralyzed, which shows that the damage caused in the surrounding area has occurred with anterioridad.Segun explained Trenaraneta
The head of the ELA building area, Igor San José, explained that the second hole in the metro is 30 meters deep and that it is shameful that it has not been detected before. The union believes that this new event shows that "there have been many irregularities in the work and safety" in the company.
The LAB syndicate has stated that the works of the suburban have become "dangerous" for the safety of the workers and that this last hole demonstrates "the inability to consolidate the ground of the tunnel" and that it is possible that it will return to aparecer.Ha added that the award of the works was made at 11.3 million euros less, which means "an overrun of between 70% and 100% that the donostials will pay",
For its part, the Satorralaia platform has explained that the problems that have arisen show that the project has been designed "with ignorance and disrespect". "As for the risks of destabilizing the urban land and the Amara neighborhood, which are located in the city's flubikomares." This agent considers that the concrete injections that have been carried out from the underground slopes of La Concha beach since last August "have spent 7 million euros".
Satorralaia plataformak Donostiako Metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiko lanek “%164ko gainkostua” izan dutela salatu zuen joan den astean, eta, horren harira, EH Bilduk gainkostu hori argitzeko eskatu du, Eusko Legebiltzarrean erregistratutako galdera sorta baten bidez.
Satorralaia plataformak eman du gainkostuaren berri, informazioa Jaurlaritzari eskatutako txosten batetik aterata. Donostiako metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiaren lanak 53 milioi eurotan esleitu ziren, eta egungo aurrekontua 139,4 milioi eurokoa da. Donostiako metro-pasantearen... [+]