Although last year it had to be carried out in a virtual way, it is in the customs of the Abertzale movement of Ipar Euskal Herria that it takes a few days to reflect collectively on some issues. This year, the Summer Universities will be held from 17 to 19 September in the Basque town of Uztaritze.
With the aim of integrating feminism into the coalition, which has just been an internal group, they will discuss and reflect on it on the first day within the Bideratu workshop. On 18 September, in the morning, they will reflect on the political strategy of the Abertzale movement, under the slogan "what?" How? With whom? Draw the axes of the coming years."
During the whole afternoon of Saturday, consideration will be given to the right to housing, reminding several rapporteurs: EH electorate and militant Bai Peio Etxeberri-Aintara, Breton Nil Caouissin and Corsa Fabiana Giovannini have also been elected. A space will also be created to organize an important demonstration on 20 November in favour of the right to housing.
Summer Universities are open to both EH Bai coalition members and non-associates. Here's the full program:
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