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EH Bai decides to bet on Etxegarai, achieving a "quick representation" in governance

  • As for the presidency for the Commonwealth of Iparralde, a minority has been in favour of the candidature of the mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart, at the extraordinary congress held at Uztaritze on 9 July. The EH Bai coalition has just sent a communiqué in which it determines the decision taken by popular vote. EH Bai considers that the conditions for the submission of an Abertzale candidature have not been met.

10 July 2020 - 08:36

The EH Bai coalition decided at the multitudinous conference in Barda what to do about the presidency of the Commonwealth of Iparralde: The majority have been in favour of Jean René Etxegarai, the so far President of the Generalitat, betting on investiture. In other words, the minority has supported the candidature of the mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart. The document issued the following day of the General Assembly reads as follows: "Taking into account the elements we have today and the general political situation of Ipar Euskal Herria, the EHBAI militants have considered that the conditions are not included for the presidency of the Basque College in the presentation of an Abertzale candidature." As he pointed out, this is "a high-quality and high-quality debate". Indeed, after the presentation of both strategies, there has been a long debate, but with respect and a great capacity for listening. In other words, there has been no violent tone, no personification, no insult that has multiplied on social media in recent weeks.

Without questioning the "legitimacy" and "capabilities" of Alain Iriarte's candidacy, they have driven political and global contexts to give priority to this decision.

For a "quick representation" of the abertzales

Alain Iriarte’s candidature was not supported by the majority of EH Bai members. However, EH Bai does not leave the road absolutely free to Etxegarai to do whatever it wants. The "speedy representation" of the Abertzales shall be negotiated in the high-level posts of the Commonwealth of Iparralde and in the decision-making centres: "We are committed to actively participating in the development of public policies. We will share and defend our vision of Ipar Euskal Herria over the next six years. In order to achieve this objective from the institutional level, it is necessary to be quickly represented in the executive. Our electorate continues to mobilize to obtain representation in the territorial commissions on the basis of election results."

Two strategies, published in the previous weeks

Alain Iriart announced in Euskal Irratia and Mediabask his intention to present the mayors of the capital on 25 and 26 June. He criticised the centralism of the Commonwealth and Etxegarai's "control" and "power" in expressing his desire to stand. In spite of this, EH Bai has also advocated the commitment to promote "a better and more democratic functioning of the Commonwealth", with the aim of "bringing us closer to citizenship and peoples".

A few days later, on 2 July, about twenty Abertzales sent a letter to Mediabaski asking him a second chance: The "disjunctive" of Iriart and Etxegarai and his desire to reach an agreement with the President so far to achieve "due" representation of nationalists also in the Commonwealth. At the Uztaritze Congress, the majority voted in favour of this second strategy, which was rejected.

The election of the President of the Commonwealth of Iparralde will take place on 17 July. The decision will be taken by the electorate who have a seat in the structure.

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