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Eguzki criticizes EHBildu's support and momentum for a new illegal Aralar runway

  • The Mancomunidad de Enirio-Aralar, in which EHBildu has the majority of representatives, was the last meeting, convened by the President of the Commonwealth on 30 July in the middle of summer holidays, the votes of some EHBildu elects were decisive to accept the construction of a runway of almost 3 km in length and 3 meters in width between Enirio and Ihctrium. It contains land movements of almost 18,000 m2 of surface in the heart of Aralar.

14 September 2018 - 10:42

The construction of a concrete track between Intzensao and Goroskintxu, protected from the Natural Park and Special Conservation Area (ZEC) of Aralar, is being tried in the courts for the complaint lodged with the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office by environmental organizations Landarlan and Eguzki. Following this criminal procedure, the Directors General of the Natural Environment and Natural Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (Arantxa Ariztimuño) and of the Environment (Felix Asensio) are charged with investigating the activities of these public offices.

The Mancomunidad de Enirio-Aralar, in which EHBildu has the majority of representatives, was the last meeting, convened by the President of the Commonwealth on 30 July in the middle of summer holidays, the votes of some EHBildu elects were decisive to accept the construction of a runway of almost 3 km in length and 3 meters in width between Enirio and Ihctrium. It contains land movements of almost 18,000 m2 of surface in the heart of Aralar. The area is located in urban land, specifically in the Monte de Uso Pública 3076.1. Furthermore, as an indicator of the waste on this whimsical track, the Community foresees, in addition to the environmental absurdity, the use of 6 cars/day a week between May and November, being only 1-2 cars/day a week for the rest of the year. An Asian luxury for a privileged minority.

So far, the PNV has promoted the artificialisation of protected areas such as Aralar or Aizkorri-Aratz, supporting some farmers benefiting from sustainable public subsidies, and against nature protection regulations on numerous occasions. Now EHBildu has made a great leap in the direction of the destruction of the territory together with the PNV, even more aware of the imputation of the two high offices of the Diputación for the runway built in Intzensao. EHBildu has broken the double commitment made and communicated to the environmental movement: To impose a moratorium so as not to build more roads in the Natural and Compulsory Park (1994). Since 2000! To previously approve the Infrastructure Plan, which would then analyze the need to build highways using multicriteria variables. In fact, this absurdity of Igaratza is nothing more than the prelude of a proposal to build a network of concrete slopes of 20 km length along Aralar.

Journey from Enirio to Doniturri, to the present day.


Complementarily, the Resolution of 25 July 2018 by the Director General of Montes and the Natural Environment was published, approving the “Project to adapt the road from Enirio-Aralar to the chabolas of Igaratza for motor vehicles”, promoted by the Enirio-Aralar Community. Together with Landarlan Elkartea we have lodged an appeal against it. The technical basis of the appeals filed is that this project, approved jointly by EHBildu and PNV, is void for fraud to the law and contravenes the following regulations: Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna, the Aralar Natural Resources Management Plan and the Aralar ECS Management Plan (Natura 2000 Network). Furthermore, we must not forget that this project has the unfavourable report of the Directorate of Natural Heritage and Climate Change of the Department of Environment and Territorial Policy of the Basque Government, as well as the enormous doubts of the Directorate General of Culture of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

For this reason, the environmental and antinuclear organization Eguzki demands that EHBildu renounce its projects to correct its decisions and increase the artificialization of the Aralar Natural Park. This area is one of those few areas which are in a good state of conservation at the level of Gipuzkoa and which are protected from motor vehicle traffic. Moreover, seeing the huge network of roads and roads that we already have built in Gipuzkoa. Also, due to the size of the Aralar problem at the level of Gipuzkoa and Euskal Herria, Eguzki asks EHBildu to open a broad and plural debate on Aralar before deciding on its articulation. And to work in the forums of the participating entities:

1. for the protection of our forests and against the loss of biodiversity; and

2. For an agroecological model that avoids intensive production that generates great socioeconomic impacts.

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