On the day following the fatal accident at the nuclear power plant in Ascó (Tarragona), the environmental and anti-nuclear group Eguzki regretted what had happened and reported in an urgent communiqué that it had submitted claims to ‘ask for transparency and information on all phases of dismantling and, above all, safety measures, until their complete dismantling, with a revitalisation plan’ of the area.
They recall that on March 16, 2021, the Announcement of the Sub-Directorate General for Nuclear Energy was published in the Official State Gazette, which made public the project of phase 1 of the dismantling of the nuclear power plant in Santa Maria de Garoña.
After analysing the project, Eguzki concluded that this project does not include ‘measures, safety risks, experiences in nuclear power plants, nor the relationship of dismantling operations with the risk of damage to human health and the environment’.
In this way, it has submitted allegations to call for ‘information and transparency’ of all stages of resolution and, in particular, of security measures until their complete dissolution. To this end, the environmental group also calls for a plan to revitalize the area.
Accident at the Ascó nuclear power plant
At least four people were injured yesterday in a traffic accident at the nuclear power plant in Ascó, Tarragona, where one person died. Eguzki pointed out that “accidents at nuclear power plants must be avoided at all costs, and above all, the safety of the population and workers must be the top priority in this type of power plant”. In addition, he wants to show his solidarity and support to the family, friends and relatives of Euskal Herria and his relatives.
2012. urtetik geldi dago Garoñako zentral nuklearra eta 2021ean hasiko dira hura eraisten, Espainiako Gobernuak EH Bilduren galdera parlamentario bati erantzunez informatu duenez.
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Zentral nuklearraren eraispen lanen planifikazioan "gabeziak" daudela egiaztatu du CSNk, eta ohartarazi du egoera horregatik Nuclenorrek erradiazio arriskuen berrebaluazioak egin behar izan dituela. Jasotako erradiazio dosi kolektiboak zehazteaz gain, dosi indibidualak... [+]