Everyone has reason to decide that time is good or bad inside; the truth is that no one doubts that when talking about good weather we are talking about the sun and that rain, cold, etc. are hidden in the fog of evil.
We have little change with the spring temperature of some winter days, according to the good weather. We've gone on to call temporary the typical snowfall of winter. And in the midst of drought, the sunny day we call it a good environment.
I am inactive. I can live with the consequences in my own flesh. It will be because the warm temperature of a few weeks ago, helped by the south wind, has slowed down the growth of the grass. Or because the willow taught us outbreaks much earlier. However, before late, all people who live with the land and animals, and later, people in the urban environment, will be affected.
Last year’s drought forced farmers to start their winter food in July. The peasants also saw the fields sown converted into deserts. The gardeners met a summer without lettuce. At home we also bear in mind the footprint of that good time, today.
In an apartment we acquired two years ago, just knocked down the pine tree, we opened the grass seed in spring. Although it was announced, it did not rain, that is, there was bad time. Today, this plot is naked, with some grass in some corner where the wells were made.
Earlier this year, we received a call from Rafa. This year we have had less oil, much less, from about sixty litres to fifteen. It receives only one third of the regular harvest.
Patience and the future are ancestral, immediacy has left behind and we are kidnapped. In the immediate enjoyment that gives us good weather we drown the future disasters that will bring us.
I thought I was talking about time, reader.
Gipuzkoako hamaika txokotatik gerturatutako hamarka lagun elkartu ziren otsailaren 23an Amillubiko lehen auzo(p)lanera. Biolur elkarteak bultzatutako proiektu kolektiboa da Amillubi, agroekologian sakontzeko eta Gipuzkoako etorkizuneko elikadura erronkei heltzeko asmoz Zestoako... [+]
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.