In central and southern Navarre several crops have been lost or are about to be lost if time does not allow. In Álava the collection of olives has been less than ever and the farmers are not calmer, since since the beginning of spring they are pulling the reserved ones for summer. One of the administrative responses is to make the conditions for access to aid under the Common Agricultural Policy CAP more flexible and to offer direct aid to cope with losses. The second route requires the royal decree in Madrid, so the aid can be direct, but not immediate and hardly sufficient.
All alarms have been fired for lack of rainfall. Or for lack of rainfall, because it is not the same, and as it is known to read and understand the situation is fundamental to face the problem. Without taking into account the influence and consequences of climate change in the primary sector, an appropriate study cannot be carried out. But not only is the reality of agriculture and livestock in Navarre understood from a retrospective perspective. The primary sector is governed by policies that were consolidated 30 years ago, old and obsolete, among which was irrigation thanks to the Itoiz reservoir.
The primary sector is fundamental to sustaining life, to be able to decide about our food. And, as with care, the scarce space and recognition of the sector in economic policies has nothing to do with the real importance it has. If it is not corrected, it cannot be said that it is climate change that chokes livestock farming, drying the land and leaving fishermen on land.
Arrantza handi eta industriala defizitarioagoa da sozialki, ekonomikoki eta ekologikoki arrantza txikiaren alboan; arrantza txikiak baino dirulaguntza publiko dezente gehiago jasotzen ditu; eta are, soilik laguntza horiei esker bizirauten du. Horixe erakutsi du Frantziako... [+]
Datorren astean Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeak ospatuko dira Ipar Euskal Herrian. Frantzia mailako FDSEA eta CR sindikatuez gain, ELB Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasuna aurkezten da, "euskal laborarien defentsa" bermatzeko.
Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbera elkartearen hogei urteak ospatu zituzten asteburuan Ainhize-Monjolosen. 2005eko urtarrilaren 15 hartan sortu zuten Lapurdi, Baxenabarre eta Zuberoako laborantzaren garapena –hori bai, iraunkorra eta herrikoia izan nahi duena–... [+]
Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.