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Imanol Murua presents the book 'Everyday we need', chronicle of the provisional newspaper

  • On 20 February it will be 20 years since the forced closure of the Euskaldunon Egunkaria Civil Guard. “You have closed the newspaper in Euskera but we are here,” they demonstrated the following day with the daily publication. Murua has interviewed seven local workers and completed the book with her experience.

17 February 2023 - 13:32
Last updated: 15:22
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The author Imanol Murua Uria, journalist of the Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Egunkaria, Egunkaria, and the editor Martin Anso, recalled that every day it was a “precarious and not normal newspaper”. The first two worked in 2003 when the civil guards invaded Andoain headquarters and arrested several people. They remember that the workers of the newspaper came together and everyone was clear that the next day they were going to publish something. That was the beginning of Egunkaria and lasted four months until Berria was created.

Murua has used February 20 to edit the book Every day we needed, within the Berria, Jakin and Elkar Aleka collection. “Day-to-day birth and death are part of the Newspaper, so I see the sense of publishing it now.” It refers to the works that have been published in recent years on the theme: “The puzzle is gradually being completed and this work is another piece”.

Anso has assured that it was worth remembering “that small miracle,” Every day, “in a way and in a very vivid way, as Imanol has done.” Murua interviews seven workers of everyday life and stitched the book with its interspersed experiences. In addition to journalists, he has also compiled reports from other workers “taking into account all the work needed to produce a newspaper”. She thanked the interviewees thirteen years ago and allowed them to use it for publication.

'Everyday', link

In the response after the newspaper closed, “Every day was the key,” they explain in the presentation. “We told the National Audience of Spain and the Civil Guard: ‘You have closed the newspaper in Basque but we are here’. They stress the importance of the interim newspaper, because it was a link: “We managed to ensure that the Basque newspaper was not interrupted”. However, they were aware that the newspaper was precarious and not standardized because “it was hardly possible to make a normal newspaper in that situation”, said Anso.

Lasa said that Egunkaria is the “symbol of resilience” of Basque journalism. Murua adds that in his publication they had three elements: adhesion, solidarity and anger. Hence came the “best-selling Basque newspaper ever”. They explain that the support of the people gave them a great boost and will not forget, among other things, the massive demonstration held in Donostia.

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