Egypt frees Hisham Abdel Aziz, Al Jazz journalist, after four years in prison. He was arrested in 2019, accusing him of belonging to a terrorist group, the family said to the Commission on the Protection of Journalists. They also arrested more journalists from Arab television in the same way.
Abdel Aziz was on holiday in Egypt when he was arrested at the airport. Two other journalists from the same chain, Bahaa Eldin Ibrahim and Rabie el-Sheikh, arrested in 2020 and 2021, are still incarcerated in Egypt.
In July 2019, then Islamic President Mohammed Morsi was taken away by the military. Several groups claim that since then thousands of people have been arrested on charges of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood group. Egypt accuses Al Jazeera of supporting the Islamist group.
Violation of press freedom
According to the Reporters Without Borders group, there are currently 22 journalists in prisons in Egypt. A list that measures freedom of the press by territory ranks 168 out of 180 countries.
Dagoeneko erreformaren %96 adostuta dute Espainiako Kongresuan erreforma lantzen ari diren alderdiek, eta datorren astean akordio batera iritsiko dira, El irakurri dugunez.
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Daniel MC mossoak, Directa hedabideko kazetari Jesús Rodríguezen aurka "funtsik gabe" eta "haren segurtasuna erasotzeko" egin zuela ebatzi du Bartzelonako Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiak (TSJC), eta bi urteko espetxe zigorra berretsi du.
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