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True, an essay

07 November 2022 - 11:15
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Wall filled with cracks going to stop. Altered society that survives with auxiliary oxygen. A chaotic countdown measured by the accuracy of a metronome. The insignificant search for truth, the decline of the media, the bad smell of politics and two lives buried by rubbish. A strange virus that comes from China, a decree that dominates us all. Deaths, collapse in hospitals, landfill, our souls. Double mourning for some. A disaster, a major disaster.

I find it difficult to synthesize and explain in these lines everything that was collected last Saturday in the play "Disaster". It is always a special event Artedrama and Axut! It's a joint company job. On this occasion, those of the Gipuzkoan group Debaju have not joined the adventure, so we can find more new faces on the table than ever. There are the Fuchs brothers, as directors Ximun, and Ander Lipus, three of the names of the Basque scene. A substantial change in the wording, since instead of Igor Elortza and Unai Iturriaga, fellow travellers in the last four editions, they have offered Harkaitz Cano the possibility and responsibility of writing a new section of this permanent collaboration. They are used to putting in the public’s view a mirror that strongly reflects the misery, grief and impositions of humanity through major tragedies. The precarious situation of the workers in Hamlet, the still lifelong social injury caused by Franco in the letter to the granddaughter of Franco or the painful puncture of heroin to our people was cut off by the pandemic in the Blue Horse. This time, I believe that the actors deal with even more cruel issues to two sinisters with specific names and surnames, which have added the coronavirus pandemic that caught us all below. Hard cocktail, totally acidic and unpleasant taste when swallowing.

Aware of the crudity of the narrative material, Cano and the team offer a multidisciplinary work composed of layers. Extra-stage elements are present through different screens and drawings and projections. Combined with the four simple wooden platforms that lie between garbage, these technological resources reinforce history. Landscapes, stock photos, moving messages, etc. lead the viewer through the story. On the other hand, the strong rhythm of the piece stands out. Cano is not deployed in the tragedy, for this he has created a large group of characters and has offered each one a certain function. Here we can find the character of the frustrated actor who offers us a point of comedy and his daily scraper with his partner. The character of the poor journalist Lipus embodies offers us, along with his South American nurse, interviews loaded with solid ideas. He says the numbers don't count all or the truth doesn't support termination points. The most suggestive moments of Cano. Basque songs supposedly light, the reference of carnival, dog Laika, aerobics… there are many elements that help us digest and accept what happens on stage.

It is certainly a work with many edges. Under the two thicker topics that braid, the viewer can find other reflections. A prominent place in politics is played by the betrayals, threats, tricks and lies used to manage the tragedy. With a journalist who has broken his voice and self-esteem, we want to explain the situation of the media, the lack of prestige of the truth, both in the times of truth and in those of the people accused by social networks. It also explains how the pandemic aggravated the respiratory distress of culture or the difficulties of the health system that we do not take care of to care for.

The coral work of the actors is impressive, as in addition to continuing with the narrative, they are also responsible for moving the lighting they have on the board and arranging the props. The sequencing and hierarchization of history benefits the joint projects of both companies. In the blue horse, a more classical and linear way of counting the theme was taurine acid that removed strength and visibility. It is better to combine sketches with good content and palliative comedies with plastic images, audiovisual material, etc., creating a narrative collage centered on the tradery. As one of the characters said, a real essay behind these issues that represent the pain of society, a link that cannot be found. Open your eyes and become aware of the immense question mark on the tab that you will be given at the entrance. Because there are no closed answers to the endless question posed by the theater.


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