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Educamadrid and MAX: technological sovereignty in the educational system of Madrid

  • EducaMadrid’s free software education platform was launched in the Community of Madrid in 2002 and currently has about one million users. Its member, Daniel Esteban, will make the practical presentation of the platform at the Euskarabildua Day, to be held on October 17 at the San Telmo Museum in Donostia.

14 October 2024 - 11:07

At the end of the twentieth century, a group of technicians and politicians from the Community of Madrid raised the need to create their own educational platform that would respond to the challenges posed by the new century. In 2002, the "Global Plan for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in the educational centers of the Community of Madrid" was presented, in which the online learning platform EducaMadrid was created. Two years later, the MAX operating system (MAdrid_linux) was introduced to complete a free, safe and sustainable educational ecosystem. More than two decades after its birth, it currently has about one million users. In this way, technological sovereignty has become a reference for public administrations that want to boost technological sovereignty within the educational system, both at European and global level.

Daniel Esteban, one of the members of EducaMadrid, will show the details of the platform through a practical presentation on the Euskarabildua day.

Esteban worked for 15 years as a professor and director of the rural center Los olivos. There he launched the project "We are theCnoRurAles". One of the three pillars of the project was the responsible, critical and respectful use of technology and to achieve it they integrated free software into the educational processes, using the MAX operating system (MAdrid_linuX) and the services of the official platform of the Community of Madrid EducaMadrid. He currently serves as a technical advisor for teaching at the Department of Digitalization of the Community of Madrid, coordinates the development of the MAX distribution and performs functional and promotional tasks on the EducaMadrid platform.

What is Euskarabildua?

It is a news conference that aims to bring together Euskera and technology, a space for reflection and dissemination for innovative initiatives that want to influence society, and that offers the possibility of promoting the knowledge and technological innovation applicable in Basque society and in Euskera.

Iametza, Argia and Ametzagaiña jointly organise these conferences since 2012. This year will be held on October 17 at the San Telmo Museum from 09:00 in the morning.

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