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The European Parliament recognises Edmundo González as "legitimate president" of Venezuela

  • The European People’s Party (PPE) resolution, drawn up by the ultra-conservatives and the extreme right, received 309 votes in favour, 201 against and 12 abstentions. This is the first time that the extreme right and the extreme right have been united in Strasbourg since the European elections in June this year.
Edmundo González Urrutia, argazkian. Argazkia: EFE

20 September 2024 - 10:52

The European Parliament regards Edmundo González as "the legitimate president of Venezuela democratically elected". The Strasbourg institution clarified its position on 19 September, with 309 votes in favour of this recognition, 201 against and 12 abstentions. In addition to the recognition of González, the European Union and its Member States have been asked to do "as much as possible" to put themselves to the presidency.

The European Parliament condemned the ‘electoral fraud’ committed by Nicolas Maduro and rejected tax fraud. Thus, the majority of MEPs voted in favour of the National Electoral Assembly of Venezuela and of tightening sanctions against President Maduro and his environment.

The right with the far right, for the first time

Left-wing MEPs have denounced "the normalisation of the extreme right", which is also taking place in the European Parliament, as the text has moved forward with the European People's Party, the ultra-right and the extreme right. This is the first time since the new European Parliament was set up and some representatives from the Left have highlighted the seriousness of the situation. This is the message sent out by the French socialist MEP Raphael Glucksmann: "This action is very worrying and shows that the Conservatives have no scruples or suspicions in associating themselves with political forces that violate the fundamental values of democratic Europe," he added.

Venezuela ' s presidential elections were held on 28 July, during which Venezuela remained hesitant. The official results gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, but, as has been customary since Chavism ruled, the opposition has denounced the fraud and appointed González as president. Subsequently, the Venezuelan Supreme Court found the official results correct, but the opposition has not accepted the resolution that has been adopted.

As could not be otherwise, Gonzalez has welcomed the statement that the European Parliament has made to him. He is currently in the Spanish State, obtaining political asylum in early September.

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