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Amazon sells the heard with Echo to others

  • A team of computer scientists specialized in cryptography and cybersecurity has published research confirming what many suspect: devices that respond to voice orders listen (logically) to follow you, create your own profile and send custom ads, but breaking a supposedly assured condition: they pass this data to others. The research is based on the Alexa services of the company Amazon and on the Echo rigs, where tests are found in this ecosystem.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

11 May 2022 - 15:26
Echo aparailu parearen sustapen irudia.

The study reveals that Amazon uses the voice data of its Echo apparatus to serve ads on its platforms and on the network. Official conditions of use have also been analysed and it has been concluded that the way Amazon does this is incompatible with its privacy policies.

Amazon shares the data with 41 platforms or predictor services where there is a strong interest in using the Echo/Alexa service: the ads served by this route pay 30% more price, which would show that the profile defined by "hearing" is profitable for advertisers.

A team of 30 researchers from the University of Washington, UC Davis and UC Irvine from the USA took part in the work. Everyone had to have interactions with Echo machines based on specific interests, and there was a person in "control" with interests or diffuse or white, non-specific issues.

So they found, when people have normal conversations in front of Echo, that wouldn't create ads, that is, at least in that Amazon doesn't spy on you. The author of the advertisement is only a direct petition to Echori or Alex (e.g., "Alexa, discovers podcasts about spirituality").

But Amazon lies in something else: depending on the conditions of service, Amazon services can receive ads through Echo, no data is sold to other people, but researchers have found that no. Aside from the services of Echo or Amazon, if you browse the X websites, the advertisements that will show you, issued by services that are not Amazon, are especially directed to you, so Amazon shares what is heard through Echo with other organizations.

The Verge picks up some messages from Amazon spokespersons who advocate hearing when asked about research, but they belittle what was discovered by research, which passes or sells data to others.

You will find the university research in

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