Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The court gives the official EA sector the right in the case of primary

  • The critical sector of EA has rejected the lawsuit in the courts related to the appointment of Secretary General Eba Blanco, agreeing with the official line.

15 July 2020 - 11:11
Eba Blanco, EAko idazkari nagusia.

A court in Vitoria-Gasteiz has dismissed the complaint lodged by the EA’s critical stream and has given the official party sector the cause by appointing Eba Blanco as secretary-general.

The trial was held in June in Vitoria-Gasteiz, following a complaint filed by the critical stream of Eusko Alkartasuna, headed by Maiorga Ramírez, the Executive said. According to the complaint, the process of designating Eba Blanco as the party leader took place "without transparency and without adequate guarantees".

Sources from the official sector have confirmed to Europa Press that the judgment disregards the complaint and shows that action was taken "correctly" in the ongoing process of primary care.

The EA Executive has been pleased with the judge's decision, because "it shows that things were done well" during the process.

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Eva Blanco, Secretary General of Eusko Alkartasuna
"If you lose in Congress, you'll say again that fraud has been committed."
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Miren Aranoa, EAko koordinatzailea Nafarroan
“Iturri bakarretik edanez, EH Bildu uniformizatzen ari dira”

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See Aranoa leaves his seat in the Parliament of Navarre
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Trial begins for the resolution of competition within the EA party
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2019-11-06 | ARGIA
The two sectors of the MS face the courts
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2019-10-30 | ARGIA
Although Eba Blanco is named leader of EA, the waters continue to be involved within the party
EA appointed the new Secretary-General of the training on Monday morning, but it does not appear that this serves to reduce the conflict between the two sectors within the party.

2019-10-28 | ARGIA
Eva Blanco, elected Eusko Alkartasuna Secretary General
On Monday morning, the Eusko Alkartasuna Electoral Board proclaimed Eba Blanco de Angulo as general secretary of the party, considering that she is the only candidate in the primary schools. White has stated that its primary objective is the cohesion of the party, which will... [+]

Annulled the candidature of Maiorga Ramírez to chair EA
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2019-09-13 | ARGIA
EA launches the process of election of the Secretary-General, although the critical sector disagrees
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2019-09-04 | ARGIA
Garaikoetxea says there is a risk that EA will disappear as a party
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Pello Urizar ceases to be EA Secretary-General
On Monday he resigned to the session of the General Council of Eusko Alkartasuna (CGPJ) for personal reasons. Urizar, increasingly critical of the party, has not exhausted the deadline to be secretary-general of the training, as he said after the 2017 congress.

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