A court in Vitoria-Gasteiz has dismissed the complaint lodged by the EA’s critical stream and has given the official party sector the cause by appointing Eba Blanco as secretary-general.
The trial was held in June in Vitoria-Gasteiz, following a complaint filed by the critical stream of Eusko Alkartasuna, headed by Maiorga Ramírez, the Executive said. According to the complaint, the process of designating Eba Blanco as the party leader took place "without transparency and without adequate guarantees".
Sources from the official sector have confirmed to Europa Press that the judgment disregards the complaint and shows that action was taken "correctly" in the ongoing process of primary care.
The EA Executive has been pleased with the judge's decision, because "it shows that things were done well" during the process.
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Zatituta zegoen EA azken urte hauetako uneren batetik aurrera, beharbada 2017an egindako bi kongresuetatik, edo 2019an huts egindako primaria prozesutik, edo honen harira sortutako borroka judizial gupidagabea hasi zenetik, akaso bost buruzagiren azken kanporaketatik... Berdin... [+]
EAko Nazio Batzorde Eragileak erabaki du lau urtez Maiorga Ramirez, Iratxe López de Aberasturi, Mikel Goenaga, Miren Aranoa eta Esther Korresen afiliazioa bertan behera uztea, “eskubide, betebehar eta diziplina Araudiaren urratze larriak egin dituztelako”.
Barne gatazka latza bizi dute Eusko Alkartasunako bi sektorek: batean egungo zuzendaritza dago, eta bestean haren kudeaketari kritika zorrotza egiten diona. Azken honetan dago Miren Aranoa (Buenos Aires, 1958), Nafarroako EAko koordinatzailea. Osasun egoera dela-eta,... [+]