The official and critical sectors of Eusko Alkartasuna (EA) have come face to face this morning in the courts to settle their differences on the affiliate census and decide the primary ones to choose the party’s general secretariat. Both parties are convened at the oral hearing to be held at the Court of First Instance No. 7 in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The trial was held after Eba Blanco was appointed General Secretary of EA at Congress. Despite the fact that the critical sector is dissatisfied with this designation, it has finally not submitted any candidature, as the party’s electoral board annulled that of Maiorga Ramírez, representative of the critical sector, claiming that it had formal defects in five of the 400 endorsements presented by the Navarro leader – Blanco presented 60.
The Party's Securities Commission gave the critics the right to cancel the appointment of Blanco, as well as the rehabilitation of Ramirez's candidature, but the EA's leadership has refused to call new primaries among the militants.
The knot has many chapters ahead: in September critics went to the courts to get all the affiliation data, arguing that they could only consult the electoral roll offered by the party’s leadership. In his view, the board failed to comply with the ruling of the party ' s Committee on Assurances on the census, since it had twice ordered the board to make the participants ' data available to all members of the national executive, claiming that in the meantime the process of primaries could not be initiated.
The resignation of Pello Urizar in June in the direction of the party and the subsequent call for primaries have reopened the internal wounds between the two sectors of EA. Since the 2017 congress, officials won critics by a few votes and face the party’s profile in the EH Bildu coalition. According to critics, the current drift leads them to "dilution and disappearance" of SNS.
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Zatituta zegoen EA azken urte hauetako uneren batetik aurrera, beharbada 2017an egindako bi kongresuetatik, edo 2019an huts egindako primaria prozesutik, edo honen harira sortutako borroka judizial gupidagabea hasi zenetik, akaso bost buruzagiren azken kanporaketatik... Berdin... [+]
EAko Nazio Batzorde Eragileak erabaki du lau urtez Maiorga Ramirez, Iratxe López de Aberasturi, Mikel Goenaga, Miren Aranoa eta Esther Korresen afiliazioa bertan behera uztea, “eskubide, betebehar eta diziplina Araudiaren urratze larriak egin dituztelako”.
Barne gatazka latza bizi dute Eusko Alkartasunako bi sektorek: batean egungo zuzendaritza dago, eta bestean haren kudeaketari kritika zorrotza egiten diona. Azken honetan dago Miren Aranoa (Buenos Aires, 1958), Nafarroako EAko koordinatzailea. Osasun egoera dela-eta,... [+]