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Otegi calls for partnership between the PNV and the Cup

  • Otegi believes that the coalition formed by EH Bildu with ERC and BNG in the European elections should be opened with the support of other "progressive" forces of "historic nations".

07 January 2019 - 10:08
Argazkia: @eldiarioes
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

EH Bildu's general coordinator, Arnaldo Otegi, has proposed a "broad alliance" for the next general election to face the "authoritarianism and return of the mad Aznarismo" by pp, Citizens and VOX.

According to the independence leader, the sovereign coalition expands the Congress and Senate of Spain "with one voice" to be able to attend.

It has therefore called for "building an alliance between the PNV and the Cup" to face "authoritarianism and neoliberalism" and defend the right to decide, the agreed referendum, the freedom of prisoners and social rights.

You are interested in the channel: Arnaldo Otegi
EH Bila reaches out to the PNV and the Confederal Left to form joint lists with a view to Spain and Europe
It is possible to have a "minimum common program of broad consensus" at the base, says EH Bil. It will prioritize the formation of joint lists in the Spanish and European elections, taking the form of the New Citizen Front of the French State.

2023-05-29 | ARGIA
"Today is the first step of a cycle change in Hego Euskal Herria"
The statements by Maddalen Iriarte and Arnaldo Otegi of EH Bildu took place in Donostia in a festive atmosphere. Joseba Asiron has also shown satisfaction in Pamplona.

2021-12-23 | ARGIA
Arnaldo Otegi: “Neurri eraginkorrak hartu behar dira, ez kosmetikoak”

EH Bilduko idazkari nagusiak pandemiaren seigarren olatuak sorturiko egoera "larria" dela nabarmendu du eta koalizio abertzaleak proposaturiko hainbat neurri azpimarratu ditu, besteak beste txertaketa anbulategietatik ateratzea edo aztarnari gehiago kontratatzea.

2021-11-22 | Leire Artola Arin
EH Bildu claims in a massive demonstration in Bilbao the need to “move from resistance to freedom”
Thousands of people have taken to the streets across Euskal Herria, and Arnaldo Otegi has appealed to build a “historical bloc” to build a new political status for Euskal Herria.

2021-07-27 | Mikel Asurmendi
Arnaldo Otegi: «EAJren helburua ez da gatazka gainditzea, beste estatus bat lortzea baizik»
Eusko Legebiltzarrean bildu gara EAEko Sozialista Abertzalearen eledunarekin. Batasuneko mahaikide honen esanetan Batasuna Bergarako Proposamenarekin aurkeztuko da martxoko hauteskundeetara. Proposamena ez da martxoko hauteskundeetan bukatuko. Proposamenak gainontzeko alderdi... [+]

2019-05-27 | ARGIA
Arnaldo Otegi
"EH Bildu has achieved the best results in its history"
EH leader Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, first thanked those who campaigned for EH Bildu, “especially the prisoners who have done so in prisons.” He said that they have achieved an additional 140,000 votes and that they have been the first force in the number of councillors in Hego... [+]

2019-02-20 | ARGIA
The disqualification of Otegi could be suspended following confirmation of the European judgment in the Bateragune case
The Spanish State has not appealed against the European judgment of the Bateragune case and the judgment is therefore final. The impertinence of the sentences imposed on Arnaldo Otegi and the members of the Abertzale left who were arrested alongside him is thus confirmed. The... [+]

Bateragune Trial: A chance for Spain to recognize the pain caused
The Strasbourg Human Rights Court has punished Spain for not giving Arnaldo Otegi a fair trial. As a result of the unfair trial the Basque Left leader spent six and a half years in a Spanish prison, as did a further four people on trial in the Bateragune ('Place for Coming... [+]

2018-11-06 | ARGIA
Strasbourg concludes that the Bateragune defendants did not have a fair trial
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR) unanimously ruled that the five defendants in the Bateragune case did not have a fair trial. The judge of the Spanish National Court Ángela Murillo went to Europe after complaining that she violated the principle of... [+]

Tortura salaketak ez ikertzeagatik ezaguna den Grande Marlaska epailea, Espainiako Barne ministro

Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak (GEEA) bederatzi aldiz kondenatu du Espainia torturak ez ikertzeagatik eta horietako seitan Grande Marlaska zen epaile instruktorea.

2017-10-09 | Andoni Mikelarena
EH Bilduk estrategia konfederala onartu du

Larunbatean Gasteizen egindako konferentzia politikoan onartu zuten proposamena. Euskal estatua hiru abiaduratan gauzatzea aurreikusten dute. Nafarroa, EAE eta Ipar Euskal Herriari egokitutako prozesuak abiatu nahi dituzte.

2017-09-20 | ARGIA
EH Bilduk mobilizazioak deitu ditu udaletxe guztien aurrean Kataluniarekin elkartasunez

"Autonomien Estatua hilda dago eta beraiek akabatu dute", esan du Otegik. "Eusko Alderdi Jeltzaleak bere jarrera zuzendu behar du, bestela konplize izango da".

2017-09-18 | Xalba Ramirez
Arkaitz Rodriguez proposatu dute Sortuko idazkari izateko, Otegiren ordez

Sortuko Kontseilu Nazionalak Arkaitz Rodriguez proposatu du alderdiko idazkari izateko. Larunbatean Iruñean egingo den konferentzia politikoan berretsi ezkero, Arnaldo Otegiren ordezkoa izango da Rodriguez.

2017-04-08 | ARGIA
Otegi: “Presoak, biktimak eta desmilitarizazioa jarri behar ditugu mahai gainean orain”

Arnaldo Otegi eta Anita Lopepek prentsaurrekoa eskaini dute EH Bildu eta EH Bairen balorazioa egiteko.

Kurdistango herriari elkartasuna adierazteko manifestazioa egingo dute larunbatean Bilbon

Larunbatean “faxismoaren aurkako” eta herri kurduarekiko elkartasuna adierazteko manifestazioa egingo da Bilbon, eguerdiko 12:30etan. Kurduek Turkiako gobernuaren aldetik azken asteetan jasaniko errepresioari erantzun nahi dio manifestazioak.

Eguneraketa berriak daude