The internal process of the PNV begins. The first phase of the party’s internal process will take place between 20 January and 2 February. As of today, PNV members will be able to decide whether Ortuzar will continue to lead the training in the Congress of Deputies.
The internal process for the renewal of the PNV Executive begins. The first phase, which begins today, 20 January, will last until 2 February, is the time to present the candidates. He was eager to see if Andoni Ortuzar would be willing to follow the party’s lead and has said in the last few hours that he dismisses any suspicion of retirement and that he "serves his affiliates".
The internal processes of the NIP are taking place in recent months, the last being the National Assembly. In November, the chairmen of the territorial councils of the PNV were appointed: Iñigo Ansola (Bizkaia), María Eugenia Arrizabalaga (Gipuzkoa), Jone Berriozabal (Álava), Unai Hualde (Navarra) and Peio Etxeleku (Iparralde). These, together with the president of EBB and the eight Burukides, will form a National Executive Committee of fourteen members in which the most important decisions of the party will be taken.
Ortuzar: Complete or stable innovation
There is a debate about the future of leadership in Jeltzale training. Ortuzar explained that there are two positions within the party, some of which have agreed that comprehensive reform is needed, and others that advocate a stable change, which needs to be changed. Ortuzar, who said he would like to remain a candidate, stressed that "it is the decision of the members who have to do so".
Once the first decision has been taken, a second round will be held between 10 and 26 February. The President of EBB and the eight Burukides of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Chamber will be elected. A national executive commission will also be set up to define the functioning of the party and its future trajectory.
The final phase of this process will take place on 29 and 30 March in Donostia-San Sebastián. In the General Assembly. It will elect the new Executive Committee and define the political strategy for the future. At this last stage, the elections of the members of the PNV and their positions, as well as relations with the Basque Government and the Government of Spain, will be at stake.
Pantxoa Bimboire Haritxelar, Ipar Euskal Herriko Eusko Alderdi Jeltzaleko arduradun berria da azarotik. Ipar Euskal Herriko ekonomia munduko pertsona ezaguna da.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
The new spokesperson of the PNV in the Basque Parliament, Joseba Díez Antxustegi, has considered that lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, "has formed a government of women and men with great experience, respected in the professional sectors and committed to the Basque Country". The... [+]
In 1977 the Basque Country Kopa of Lekeitio was launched, a time of transition. At the time of the Republic, in 1931, the first Basque Wedding left the Batzoki. In 1964, the Euskadi Wedding Championship was also held in Lekeitio, in tribute to Resurrection Maria Azkue.
I think... [+]
The idea of this article emerged when on 24 November lehendakari Urkullu leaked that he would not be a candidate and, consequently, it was found that he would go after twelve years in office without significant gestures with the victims of the State.
However, in order not to be... [+]
Jean René Etxegaraik Peio Etxeleku baztertu du Errobi lurraldeko arduretatik. Etxeleku Kanboko hautetsia eta EAJren Ipar Buru Batzarreko lehendakaria da. Joan den astean Hirigune Elkargoko buruak jakinarazi zuen poloko hamaika auzapezetatik seik galdegin ziotela... [+]