The Euzkadi Head Assembly (EBB) warns that the failure to submit the amendment is not a “blank cheque” for the PP to issue the Budgets.
“The agreement signed last year, which was so beneficial for the Basque Country, does not oblige the PNV to do anything in the matter of General State Budgets 2018,” they write. The EBB argues that the lack of budget correction “155. that it will allow the repeal of the article to take place as soon as possible.”
On Thursday, EH Bila submitted an amendment to the State Budget Law of 2018 in its entirety, as they are “incompatible” with the demands of pensioners. Marian Beitialarrangoitia, deputy of the EH Assembly, denounces that the budgets of 2018 “perpetuate” social inequality and “cover” the demands of pensioners with the increase of the lowest benefits.
“There is talk of an economic revival, but if this is accompanied by a clear loss of rights, we are not facing a real recovery,” he says.
EH Bila warns that this year’s Budgets will increase investments in AAV infrastructure and will also support the Defense, the Royal Household or the Secret Services.
Referring to Article 155, Beitialarrangoitia said that supporting the PP’s budgets would be to advocate for a government that “is acting with authoritarian criteria.”
Pedro Sanchez Espainiako Gobernuko presidente berriak bere ibilaldia hasi du Mariano Rajoyk ezarritako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorrek lotuta. Uda ondorenean, baina, 2019koak aurkeztu beharko ditu. Horregatik, komeni da duela hilabete aurkeztu zituen bere plan alternatiboak... [+]
Katalunian Gobernua osatzen denean, iaz egin bezala, EAJk Espainiako Aurrekontuak aurrera aterako dituela uste du Espainiako Ekonomia Ministroak.
EAJk ohartarazi dio Rajoyri ez dutela aurrekontuez hitz egingo 155. artikuluak indarrean jarraitzen duen bitartean. Abenduaren 21eko hauteskundeen ondoren utzi liezaioke Espainiako Gobernuak artikulua aplikatzeari.
Aurrekontuak mahai gainean daude, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Espainiako Estatuan. 155. artikuluaren aplikazioak eta oro har, Kataluniako prozesuak aurrekontuen afera baldintzatu du.