1.- Mireia Boya, spokesperson for Busquet CUP: He could have been a mediator, and in the end, he's part of 155."
The PNV will be the mediator, i és part, of 155.
— Mireia Boya Busquet (@yeyaboya) May 23, 2018
2.- Politician Pernando Barrena Sorrento: "The lack of competitiveness of the PNV towards Catalonia has been confirmed, and the worst thing is that it is a shot to the leg. The 155th is the main symbol of the PP and Ciudadanos, and they can use it against everyone, not only against the Catalans"
The disloyalty of the PNV towards Catalonia is being demanded. And what's worse: it's a shot in the foot. The 155 is the insignia of the counter-reform of the PP and Cs, and comes to all, not only to the catalans#vergüenza #shame #vergonya https://t.co/DlH5ZOMZ8o
— Pernando Barrena (@pernandobarrena) May 23, 2018
3.- Marian Beitilarrangoitia EH, Member of Parliament of the Assembly:
💬 "In the case of Catalonia, the PNV has always stood on the side of the PP, appearing docile to the Spanish government and placing all the burden on the Catalans. It would be listening to Basque society to act responsibly, not to support the budgets of 155. People will hardly understand.” @marianbeitia 📺👇 pic.twitter.com/FEytfM6iP2
— EH Convenio Congreso - Senado (@ehcollectioncongreso) May 24, 2018
4.- Gabriel Rufian, Member of the Parliament of the ERC: he has used a Catalan expression that means everything for money.
PNVeix to the cove.
— Gabriel Rufián (@gabrielrufian) May 23, 2018
5.- Journalist Martin Garitano:
The word "shame" is very, very demanded. The value of the "Basque word" has been ruined. The Spanish fascists? One more time? What I said, shame. Apologies to Catalunya ❤
— Martin Garitano (@mgaritano) May 23, 2018
6.- Journalist and lawyer Bea Talegon: "You're about to approve the PP budgets, aren't you, EAJ? I thought you were understanding what democracy was, what you took away from the Basques. But it seems to be a question of money. It's a shame."
So you're going to pass the pressures on the PP, eh @eajpnv? Vaya 😔 and I think that I understand that this is about democracy. From what’s already negated there in El País Vasco. But you see that you're out of pasta. What a pity it is.
— Bea Talegón 🎗 (@BeatrizTalegon) May 23, 2018
7.- Aitor Sarriegi bertsolari:
All those who will vote for @eajpnv in the next elections have sold Catalonia. It's up to us, isn't it? It was up to you and you chose the far right. To the Bejondaizuela!
— Aitor Sarriegi (@asarriegi) May 23, 2018
8.- Joseba Permarch politician:
Good morning @iurkullu
I've been waiting a few days for your opinion, but I can't get it. I will try again: what do you think of the PNV's support for the PP's budgets against the majority of Parliament? Should the PNV not respect the decision of the majority on such an important issue?
— joseba permach (@jpermach) May 24, 2018
9.- Journalist Irantzu Varela: "Defending the PNV is not justified"
If you follow @eajpnv after he betrays you, it’s not just the Básica democratic dignity, it’s your own antesdeayer myths, it’s that we’re not a people who digest as imaginative. Support the PP with the #155 vigilante DO NOT HAVE JUSTIFICATION. pic.twitter.com/V731FT8qE5
— Irantzu Varela (@IrantzuVarela) May 23, 2018
10.- Ernai of Ondarruko:
It's clear who they're working for.
No fraud to the Basque Country.
REGIME OUT!#PNV155DEFRAG pic.twitter.com/FyOHCCHH5d
— Ernai (@ernaiOndarru) May 23, 2018
Pedro Sanchez Espainiako Gobernuko presidente berriak bere ibilaldia hasi du Mariano Rajoyk ezarritako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorrek lotuta. Uda ondorenean, baina, 2019koak aurkeztu beharko ditu. Horregatik, komeni da duela hilabete aurkeztu zituen bere plan alternatiboak... [+]
EAJk jakinarazi du ez duela Espainiako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren osoko zuzenketarik aurkeztuko. EH Bilduk, bestalde, osoko zuzenketa aurkeztu du, esanez desberdintasun soziala “betikotzen” duela.
Katalunian Gobernua osatzen denean, iaz egin bezala, EAJk Espainiako Aurrekontuak aurrera aterako dituela uste du Espainiako Ekonomia Ministroak.
EAJk ohartarazi dio Rajoyri ez dutela aurrekontuez hitz egingo 155. artikuluak indarrean jarraitzen duen bitartean. Abenduaren 21eko hauteskundeen ondoren utzi liezaioke Espainiako Gobernuak artikulua aplikatzeari.
Aurrekontuak mahai gainean daude, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Espainiako Estatuan. 155. artikuluaren aplikazioak eta oro har, Kataluniako prozesuak aurrekontuen afera baldintzatu du.