Here you can see the full results of the survey.
Among the measures that could be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools, the most valued by parents are those who choose to study outdoors and in natural spaces (9.1 out of 10). At the same level they value the hiring of cleaning personnel to ensure all cleanings. They value with 8.8 points the use of alternative spaces for school and positively value psychological care (8.6 points) and the reduction of the ratio of children (8.5 points).
With a favorable attitude, but with the lowest score, they have appreciated precisely the few measures that the Department of Education has generalized: to put a social distance of 1.5 meters in the educational centers and to wear a mask to those over 6 years of age (both have been given a note of 6.2).
Among the opinions expressed by the parents of both Navarra and the CAPV on the management of the beginning of the course, the most general is that the measures taken and the resources allocated have not been sufficient. The Basque Government has thus responded to 47.9% of the respondents, while the Government of Navarra has responded to 32.7%.
The second most popular sentence is as follows: "I do not agree with the kind of measures that have been taken," he added. As far as the Basque Government is concerned, 31.8% of those surveyed believe that it is, and 25.7% of the Navarros.
Fewer parents have expressed this opinion: "It has taken action, but it has not put or has not put sufficient means." With regard to Navarre, 17.2% think so, while the Basque Government does 13%.
And it is a minority who think that measures have been taken and resources have been put in place: The Basque Government has put it at 2.3% and Navarre at 7.3%.
"With the announced measures do you intend to bring your children to school?" To the question, the parents of Navarre and the Basque Country have answered very differently:
In Navarre, the option that received the most answers was "yes, no doubt" (40.5%). In the CAPV, on the other hand, most cases have answered: "Yes, but with uncertainty, fear or uncertainty" (39%). The second answer in the CAV has been disagreement: "Yes, but not agreeing with the measures" (30%). And the percentage of those who responded "yes, no doubt" is lower (23.5%).
44.1% of the parents who responded agree with the protests and the strike. 24% agree with the mobilizations but not with the strike and 19.1% disagree with the mobilizations or the strike.
Concerning the situation of households in general, one third (34.8 per cent) said that the current situation worsened the domestic economy. Of these, 2% have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and another 6.8% think it has happened, but they're not sure.
The students returned to the classrooms with more joy than at the end of the previous course: 48.8% stated that the children were happy at the end of the previous course and 67.2% at this beginning of the course. But they're more nervous than at the end of the previous course. Nervousness or anxiety has increased between 22.1% and 30.8%, respectively.
In the event of a new confinement, 40.2% of parents argue that it could not be solved to care for children and 38.4% say that they could not spend too much time doing academic assistance to their child.
Aztiker has interviewed parents with children from 3 to 12 years through digital media between 4 and 8 September. The survey started with 1,649 people, 85.6% of whom were women. Aztiker has pointed out that the survey offers a confidence level of 95% in the Basque Country as a whole.
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