The reform of the Basque Trans Act will be voted on 15 February in the Basque Parliament. In the last vote, PNV, PSE-EE, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos and IU, and against PP. The first reform was carried out in 2019, when measures were taken against depathologization. On this occasion, following this line, a series of changes will be made in health, education and the workplace to protect the rights of trans people.
The latest reform includes contributions from EH Bildu and, unlike what has been done so far, takes into account intersex and non-binary people. “So far the vision was very binary and we have managed to break a bit with it,” said Ikoitz Arrasate, a EH Bildu parliamentarian.
In the field of health, Osakidetza should establish specific services for the care of trans persons, at least one per territory. Services will be provided in primary care and its purpose and obligation is to guarantee the right to comprehensive and adequate care. At the moment, only the Gender Identity Unit of the Cruces Hospital exists in Bizkaia.
The law will also affect the health rights of minors. In fact, in the event of a discrepancy between parents or guardians in the doctor and the child, the social services may intervene. If the law is not passed, they should go to court.
In education, in centres with trans people, education members will receive training and advice. In addition, in centres where the uniform is compulsory, students shall have the right to a uniform according to their identity.
They shall establish plans against discrimination in the workplace. Furthermore, EH Bildu proposes that labour agreements include clauses that are contrary to exclusion.
They will also make changes in language; for example, instead of using transgender or transgender words, they claim to use the trans person. The goal is to be more inclusive. “Changing political subjects means giving trans people political recognition,” Arrese said.