Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country rejects UGT’s request against language profiles

  • The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has rejected the request of the UGT trade union to cancel the requests of Euskera in the Euskotren stabilisation process. The judge points out that the requirements are approved in the collective agreement signed by the UGT itself, and therefore has no right to file a complaint.
Batzorde Iraunkorraren irailaren 17ko elkarretaratzea Raul Mendez Urugoitia

03 October 2024 - 17:09

Article 50 of the Euskotren Collective Agreement establishes the linguistic profiles, so it is necessary to apply for Euskera level B2 in the selection tests. The judge has stressed that the demands of Euskera correspond to the agreement and the plan of Euskera approved by the company.

The ELA syndicate applauded this decision by considering that the "involution" that UGT has had on the subject of linguistic profiles has become evident. ELA sees collective bargaining as an instrument to guarantee linguistic rights and undertakes to strengthen Euskotren’s and the public sector’s Basque plans.

In a statement, ELA pointed out that this ruling makes it clear that UGT is the entity that subscribes to the Euskotren Convention and that it must therefore respect the approved criteria. Thus, ELA will continue to defend the normalization of Euskera and strengthen the presence of Euskera in the work environment, guaranteeing linguistic rights in society.

Lived in a minority language congress on Wikipedia
Last week I had a few days on vacation. They were a holiday, but they were dedicated to a hobby that I spent a few hours, invested in a congress: days in a room of the same hotel and slept in the hotel in the morning and afternoon. There were a few hours left to get to know the... [+]

Uri Tzafon movement: For the sake of God, to colonize Lebanon
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They call to mobilize against the TAV project running through Lapurdi
The CADE group, made up of environmental associations, has denounced that the TAV going through Lapurdi is progressing in its development. He has scheduled for 12 and 13 October in Gironde, in support of the protest organised by the Altxuak network on Earth.

The Government of Navarra covers only 3% of the demand for public housing
Counsellor Alfaro has criticised the "speculative policies of past decades" and has opted for public-private cooperation in the foral parliament. Its aim is to reach data from central and northern Europe. The social movements working in the housing sector have been appalled at... [+]

2024-10-03 | Julene Flamarique
Israel designates 'person non grata' UN Secretary-General
The Israeli Foreign Minister has announced that he has banned UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres from entering the country. Katz has accused Guterres of not "clearly" condemning Iran's missile attack on Israel and of protecting "terrorists, rapists and murderers" against it.

2024-10-03 | Leire Ibar
The UPV/EHU will dismiss the professor who has published discriminatory comments
After analysing the legal situation, the University of the Basque Country has decided to launch the process of terminating the professor of the Section of the Faculty of Law of Bizkaia. Complaints against the teacher began on 27 September. Since then there have been hundreds of... [+]

2024-10-03 | Julene Flamarique
UPN tries in vain to censor Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimototots in Villava
The Navarros regionalists have described the spectacle scheduled for Sunday in Villava as "an act that benefits the independence chiringuitos". It is not the first time they have done so, they have already done so in Pamplona, Estella and Burlada.

2024-10-03 | Julene Flamarique
They denounce the death of the carrier last Thursday and demand decent working conditions
The unions LAB, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE-Etxealde and Hiru have concentrated before the Council of Gipuzkoa to report the death of the carrier who suffered a fatal accident in Lodosa (Gipuzkoa). In the sector, employers and institutions have called for decent working conditions under... [+]

2024-10-03 | ARGIA
EH Bildu and the Spanish Government agree to "end" the Moorish Law
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Unions call for a new strike in the Public Education of Navarra on 29 October
Given the lack of changes in the position of the Department of Education, trade unions have reconvened a strike on 29 October "in defence of negotiation". The political forces of the Parliament of Navarre have also been questioned to "seek the investment that our demands need".

The three detainees in defence of the lands of Mariene have been released, although they will be tried in February
The French police arrested three people on Wednesday in connection with the protests at the Kanbo People's House in April. Despite their release, they will be tried in February this year. With the support of the People's House, they have mobilized against the housing construction... [+]

New attempt to expand the macrofarm Valle de Odieta de Caparroso

The company Valle de Odieta and its subsidiary (HTN) have been trying for years to expand its facilities against all the regulations that the administration is applying. A court ruling allowed the number of animals to be extended to 7,800 hairs of different ages that are... [+]

2024-10-03 | Gedar
Euskal Herria is celebrating a 24-hour fast this week in solidarity with Palestine
Fasting will start on Thursday afternoon and five spaces have been organized around the initiative: In Bilbao, Alsasua, Donostia-San Sebastián, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Pamplona/Iruña. A major demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and against the Zionist State... [+]

Professor shaping the UPV/EHU

We are talking about Sanchez, the case that shook us last Friday. We advocate freedom of expression, even when statements are made that we do not like. This freedom entails the responsibility of expressing ideas based on reasoned opinions and verified data, and should not extend... [+]

The National High Court Records the Judgment on Marixol Iparragirre
The magistrates deem the kidnapping and murder of the head of pp. Miguel Ángel Blanco to be prescribed and accuse the public prosecutor of political responsibility of the head of pp. Miguel Ángel Blanco.

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