According to the press release sent by the Council to the drafting of ARGIA, "the decision of the TSJPV gives continuity to the reactionary tendencies that are taking place in recent times from different courts and, in general, from the judiciary". This decision comes from the same room that in May of this year rejected the linguistic profiles of the job openings for the Municipal Police of Irun. By virtue of this decision, the Council convened a meeting before the High Court of Justice, warning that the judiciary, once again, wants to make language policy its competence, "by extracting it from the areas of political and parliamentary debate that belongs to it".
In this regard, Council Secretary General Paul Bilbao has denounced that he is carrying out a "renewed" reading of the current legal framework in order to "reduce by case-law the rights of Euskaldunes and their own language speakers in general in minority situations".
Regarding the current decision, the Council considers that the question raised by the court violates the principle of officiality, "it is confirmed that the rest of the official languages other than Spanish have a status of lower rank, that is, that the current officiality is not symmetrical". If the court's theses thrive, "it will be evident that the official languages are classified into two levels, Spanish and the rest", and pulling away from that thread, "it would be like separating first- and second-class citizens", explained the Council's spokesman.
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]
The Council of Euskalgintza is warning of the linguistic emergency we have been experiencing in recent weeks. Several years have passed since the beginning of describing the situation of the process of revitalization of the Basque country at the crossing, at the roundabout, at... [+]
Korsikako legebiltzarkideek ezin dute Korsikako Asanblean korsikeraz hitz egin, Bastiako Auzitegiaren 2023ko epai baten arabera. Ebazpen horri helegitea jarri zion Asanbleak, baina debekua berretsi du orain auzitegi berak. Epaiak tokiko beste hizkuntzei eragiten diela ohartarazi... [+]