The Centre has published the results of the survey carried out in December 2021. The survey, which consists of nine editions, yields the worst results in terms of personal satisfaction. The assessment of the current situation has also fallen significantly among young people.
Getting a job, difficult
The risk of job losses or worsening working conditions perceived by young people has fallen by 6 points compared to the previous year. Job-finding forecasts also fall: Regarding the 2019 responses, 30 points below.
Living with parents
The forecasts of recent times have not changed much in terms of the possibility of emancipation. The percentage of young people who want to live on their own within a year and think that they will not be able to do so is 42%.
Without confidence in the future
Young people are very pessimistic about the evolution of the personal, youth and CAV situation within five years: the confidence rate in the future has been the worst in the series.
In December 2021, 4,356 young people between the ages of 15 and 29 were interviewed by the Observatory through a survey. He also had in-depth conversations with a number of young people. Immersed in the sixth wave of the pandemic, the authors of the report say that this has influenced the results, not only in the perception of work, but also in physical and mental health and in the area of leisure and social relations.
Isabelle Pargade Hazparneko auzapezak ofizialki eman dizkio Ttattola gaztetxeari lokal berriaren gakoak. Bien arteko negoziaketa luze batzuen ondorio da.