1.Desde Euskal Eskola Publikoa Harro Topagunea calls on the Basque Public School, because it is the only school that is for everyone and everyone. We want to value its value, increase the adherence of Basque society to it and place it at the centre of the educational system, as the only public service. A system based on the Basque language immersion model, free, secular, inclusive, committed to diversity and co-education, based on equality and quality, which guarantees the integral education and social cohesion of all students since their birth.
2º The Basque Public School Harro Topagune denounces that this dual educational system (public-private) in the CAPV reproduces and expands social segregation, as they are mainly concentrated in the public network both students of low socioeconomic status and of foreign origin. This segregation is a direct consequence of the privatization trend.
3.Queremos combat the privatisation of the education system. We demand and demand from the Administration the necessary resources and planning to overcome the serious segregation and social breakdown of the organization and functioning of the current dual system.
4.Como we want to build a society based on cohesion and offering equal opportunities to all people, we call for effective measures to be taken in the education system. Among other things: to prohibit illegal economic fees charged to families by non-public educational establishments; to ensure a balanced enrolment of students; to provide private establishments with a permanent legal framework to make them public; to plan to ensure social cohesion, etc. In this regard, we are calling directly on the Basque Government, from the moment that it is the most responsible and an indispensable agent with the capacity to transform.
Platforms of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Oion, Bilbao, Santurtzi, Oarsoaldea, Astigarraga, Donostialdea, Lasarte-Oria, Communities of the Basque Public School of Ordizia.
Ikasle Sindikatua, Ikasle Ekintza, Gazte Komunistak, Ikasle Abertzaleak,
Steilas, LAB, ELA, CCOO
Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topagunea "etsita" agertu da, Jaurlaritzaren Hezkuntza-Akordioaren zirriborroak ez dituelako aintzat hartu Topagunearen eskaerak: "Akordio honek eskola publikoa baztertzen du, ez dio segregazioari aurre egiten, sare pribatuaren... [+]
"The traffic in Bilbao is broken when classes start, until then we worked well, but when children's buses start, it's over," a taxi driver told me in September, years ago, and I've never forgotten it. After years of working in public schools, I have walked by bus with the children:... [+]
Health, care, pensions, education -- the quality of all these services indicates a society's level of well-being. Throughout the Basque Country, and also in the Basque Autonomous Community, many voices have long been raised in defence of them, which have been increased by the... [+]