The newspapers of the News Group record the statements of the CAV lehendakari between 1980 and 1985. In his opinion, Garaikoetxea was sad about the situation in which EA is located, indicating that there is also a risk that the party will disappear, “if there is not a coup d’état to reverse the situation”.
Garaikoetxea believes that a “clear roadmap” should be established and for this purpose the party should hold an extraordinary conference, not only to elect new leaders, but also to rethink the EH Bildu coalition, “in terms of 2011”.
The coalition of Sortu, EA, Aralar and Alternatiba emerged in that year, but the leadership of these parties committed in 2017 in a public event held in Pamplona/Iruña to “be a political subject with its own identity and militancy”.
Since then, this coalition model has generated a debate within SNS. For Garaikoetxea, EH Bildu should maintain its status as a coalition, “and not an integration.” In the words of Lehendakari, “steps have been taken gradually to increase this integration.” EE in the institutions 2011. He deducted it from the opinion of his representatives throughout the year, 2015 and today.
Garaikoetxea took advantage of Deba’s appearance 33 years ago to recall the reasons and foundational values of EA, as well as the role they have played at the end of ETA.
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Zatituta zegoen EA azken urte hauetako uneren batetik aurrera, beharbada 2017an egindako bi kongresuetatik, edo 2019an huts egindako primaria prozesutik, edo honen harira sortutako borroka judizial gupidagabea hasi zenetik, akaso bost buruzagiren azken kanporaketatik... Berdin... [+]
EAko Nazio Batzorde Eragileak erabaki du lau urtez Maiorga Ramirez, Iratxe López de Aberasturi, Mikel Goenaga, Miren Aranoa eta Esther Korresen afiliazioa bertan behera uztea, “eskubide, betebehar eta diziplina Araudiaren urratze larriak egin dituztelako”.
Barne gatazka latza bizi dute Eusko Alkartasunako bi sektorek: batean egungo zuzendaritza dago, eta bestean haren kudeaketari kritika zorrotza egiten diona. Azken honetan dago Miren Aranoa (Buenos Aires, 1958), Nafarroako EAko koordinatzailea. Osasun egoera dela-eta,... [+]