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Elections E9: War regime for the defence of the "European garden"

The European elections will be held on 9 June. The situation is critical, as the European Union (EU) has definitely buried its humanist aspect. The supposed identity based on peace, human rights and social cohesion is in practice a myth: war, militarism, neocolonialism, corporate power and austerity are the words that best define the European project in the current context, at a time of profound crisis, of the struggle for hegemony and of rapid overcoming biophysical borders.

We therefore have, far from it, figures such as soft power, diplomacy, the resolution of conflicts, the prevention of war or the exercise of a supposed diffuse counterweight with the United States within the Atlantic bloc. The European image has also diminished as a territory of asylum and refuge. The "sustainable green" narrative, which supported the Next Generation background, also explains today the true nature: "Olive". It is undeniable that the EU is one of the main actors in consolidating and advancing the global "war regime", a phenomenon that could have very serious consequences for all mankind.

Thus, in the free competition between geopolitical and corporate blocs to capture natural heritage, markets and areas of influence, the EU is based on the political strategy of the lagun-enemy logic without prejudice. War is not only a future to be avoided, but, on the contrary, a hypothetical exit prioritized by the continental elites in the face of the economic crisis and the lost positions towards the US and China. Thus, the spiral of international conflicts is being unleashed, the repression of rights by the allies is being set aside, agreements are being signed to suppress the strategic heritage of the market and nature, and as the main proposal of economic policy is to opt for militaristic neoliberalism.

The genocide in Gaza is a bad sign of the EU’s role. Beyond the responses to the wildest violence of the Netanyahu government, it is clear that Europe guarantees Israel’s position by action or omission. We are certainly far from the minimum required by the current critical situation, from the breakdown of diplomatic relations with Israel (and, above all, the breakdown of the EB-Israel Association Agreement), to the end of bilateral business ties (such as the CAF cases or the Sosa accelerator startup in the Basque Country) or the radical ban on any sale of arms.

Social movements in Euskal Herria must denounce the prominence of the militaristic boom of the EU and its elites, among other things, for the explicit defence of corporate power and opposition to the interests of the working classes.

Even in the case of the invasion and war in Ukraine, the role of the EU is becoming clear as a militaristic stimulus to conflicts. It highlights its belligerent attitude and the difficulties for the interim exits negotiated with Russia. In fact, it is intended to represent the country as an "existential threat" in the collective imaginary of the European population.

In both cases, the obligation to align with the official discourse extends the repression of international solidarity as a disciplinary exercise by the popular sectors.

But, as we have already pointed out, the EU’s role in the war regime is not limited to unfortunate practices in current conflicts. On the contrary, it extends in its entirety to economic and international politics, greening the machinery of neoliberalism militarist, neocolonial, racist and exclusionary.

Within this framework, first of all, the initiative to promote a new Industrial Defence Strategy, with an allocation of 1.5 billion for major European corporations, the prioritisation of war investments above all social attention, the revitalisation of NATO or the increase in the war budget (the Spanish State has already exceeded 2% of the GDP set by the commitments of the Atlantic Treaty).

Secondly, new programmes such as Global Gateway, critical raw material laws or with different countries and regions (Egypt, Rwanda, Qatar, etc.) the eleven commercial treaties and memoranda made reinforce neocolonial and capitalist dynamics by shielding the interests of European multinationals at international level and seek to guarantee access to energy and strategic materials to advance corporate energy transitions (lithium, rare earths, copper, nickel, natural gas, etc.). ). ), above all political or eco-social attention.

Thirdly, the necropolitics associated with the ‘fortress Europe’, promoted unanimously by the EU, especially on the southern border, is consolidated. The new reform of the Protection and Migration Pact is a further modification in this regard, in the context of concessions to the agenda of the emerging extreme right.

Fourthly and finally, the EU guarantees the return of austerity policies in defence of corporate powers: budgetary and debt limits are returned to new economic governance, such as the proliferation of multiple corporate mega-projects under the excuse of energy transition. This shows the application of the lagun-enemy logic also in internal politics against the interests of the popular classes.

The green olives agenda is by no means limited to the extreme right, because it is, unfortunately, cross-cutting: it even reaches the right and is regarded as a Social Democrat, including some left. It is not in vain that Ursula von der Leyen has confirmed the welcome of the alliance with fascisms explaining its loyalty to the Atlantic agenda.

In short, the social movements of Euskal Herria must denounce the prominence of the militaristic boom of the EU and its elites, which not only faces the biophysical limits of the planet and jeopardises the future of mankind, but also explicitly develops in favour of corporate power and against the interests of Basque and international workers’ classes. Thus, on the eve of the European elections, Euskal Herria Capitalari Planto convenes a concentration on 31 May, at 12:30 a.m. in Bilbao, before the Government’s Subdelegation, to recall that in Euskal Herria we do not defend the present walled, warring and genocidal Europe.

Gonzalo Fernández, Maite Ezquerro and Gorka Martija, militants from Euskal Herria to Capital Planto!

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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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