Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Plateruena de Durango will close its doors, forced by the economic situation

  • "To the difficulties of Plateruena in recent years have been added the conditions that COVID-19 has entailed for the hospitality and cultural sector, which has made it impossible to maintain the viability of the management model and to extend the period of operation of the building", explain from the direction of the Kafe Antzokia.
Plateruena, COVID-19 aurreko egunetan.

30 September 2020 - 09:26

The cooperative Plateruena announced at the general assembly this Tuesday that the infrastructure will be in the hands of the City Hall of Durango after the termination of the operating contract for the building that was due to end in February.

Plateruena opened its doors in 2004, where the former slaughterhouse was, with the Basque country and culture in the centre, at the initiative of the Berbaro association. A bar was opened in Durango in 1994, followed by a bar opened in 2004.

Final straight

On 31 December it will be the last day to complete the tour and in the meantime the scheduled programme will be maintained. The hospitality service will not exist and will open its doors only on the days when there are shows.

You are interested in the channel: Plateruena
Friday will turn on the lights of the Durango Dishes
Based on public and community management, Plateruena begins a new journey. It will be the refuge of local agents, the plaza of the spaces and creators of the Basque.

2022-11-29 | ARGIA
The new edition of Plateruena opens in 2023
The City Hall has assumed responsibility for the Kafe Antzokia of Durango and a cultural table will be created for its management. The new project has three main objectives: to promote Euskaldunization, to be a tool for local agents and to become a space for culture in Euskera... [+]

2021-01-21 | Jone Markuleta
- After the dishes? have started the dynamic
People who work in the cultural field and citizens who care about culture have come together to say: "And after Plateruena?" They've started the dynamic. The meeting will analyze the possibilities of reopening Plateruena and a diagnosis will be made of what the municipality needs... [+]

Plateruenak 10 urte bete ditu eta herritarren laguntza eskatu du

Durangoko Plateruena Kulturguneak 10. urteurrena ospatuko du urriaren 31n. Antzokiaren bideragarritasuna bermatzeko laguntza eskatu diete herritarrei.

Eguneraketa berriak daude