On Tuesday morning the new Plateruena theater café project was presented. Councillors Ane Abanzabalegi and Patxi Lakuntza and the new head of Plateruena, Maider Larrañaga attend. They have placed March 3 as the reference date to formally open the doors of Plateruena, but have announced that the space will host various activities during the days of the Durango Fair and Christmas.
Objectives and management
Durango City Hall announces three axes for the dishes: “To collaborate in the Basque Country of Durango, to shelter local associations and agents and to be an important place for the creators of the Basque culture”.
The management of the space will be carried out by the City Hall, but a cultural table will be set up with the participation of both the municipal technical staff and the cultural staff. According to the City Council’s website, the table will be responsible for “managing as horizontally as possible the opinions and demands of the agents”.
As Berria has gathered, the head Maider Larrañaga has stressed that she will work “as a team”: “The stronger the cultural table, the more future she will have in the people”. Larrañaga has announced that the schedule of the dish will be “mainly in Basque”, with priority cultural production and secondary hospitality.
Two reflection processes
Plateruena opened its doors in 2004 with a 900 member cooperative and closed in 2020 for economic reasons. The city council then took ownership of the building. In 2021, two processes were launched to discuss the follow-up of the project, one of which was the Plates, what? promoted by the citizens' initiative and the other by the city council. The representatives of the City Council state that both processes “have revealed similar priorities and lines of work” and thank all those involved in the citizens’ initiative.
On 21 November he opened Plateruena's note and then what? the dynamic announcing that it ended its path and that in the end they have reached the anglerfish with sour.” "We just knew what the new Plateruena will look like. The City Hall has a management model and a project. Although it internalizes many of the main guidelines of our project, isn't it the Plates and then what? Run a project from the dynamic." The initiative pointed to the need to make “earlier” decisions and the loss of “many forces and illusions” along the way.
Durangoko Plateruena Kulturguneak 10. urteurrena ospatuko du urriaren 31n. Antzokiaren bideragarritasuna bermatzeko laguntza eskatu diete herritarrei.