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Ahotsenea will move from the Durango Fair to Amurrio

  • Ahotsenea will approach the cultural creators to the squares of Euskal Herria from the Durango Fair, in the Amurrio section. The action of the region will be on October 18, under the Araba Euskaraz initiative, organized by the Ikastola Aresketa.
Gaur egin dute ekimena aurkezteko prentsaurrekoa. / Ahotsenea eta Saioa Gauilunak
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

10 September 2020 - 09:07

"The Basque people go out to the plaza," says the old Basque song. That's the goal of creators, who can also share the number of each of them. The Durango Fair is the main plaza in the fall, but the coronavirus pandemic has forced the cultural ecosystem to adapt to the new times. As a result, the Ahotsenea area has been extended to four seats throughout the Basque Country, including the Amurrio area.

In addition, it will have the collaboration of the Basque Araba. Specifically, 18 October will provide an opportunity to learn about the work of 8 Basque groups in the framework of the Darabagu dynamic in Amurrio. In this way they want to put an end to the party in favour of the ikastolas this year. However, they have not yet completed the programme. "Creators have been invited and the procedure will be done by Ahotsenea, we do not yet know who they are going to go," said Eneko Alday, a member of the Basque Araba. As Amurrio has advanced, the format has been crushed; and Ahotsenea, instead of doing everything in 4 days at the Durango Fair, will bring together 40 groups in four locations.

Amurrio has been chosen for being the protected center of the cultural ecosystem. In fact, one of the goals of this year’s Ikastola Aresketa has been to provide places for creators. For this reason, they organized an exhibition of creative women, such as art, or the Bazbehin Darabagun initiatives to "raise awareness and promote Basque creation". According to Alday, give up the place or plaza that they had previously set with Ahotsenea: "Every year Basque culture is spring in December, but we wanted to do so also in June. Due to the state of emergency the party had to be delayed, but our commitment is the same with Ahotsenea as with the Basque creators".

Thus, on October 18, the works of the creators of this year 2020 will be represented in Amurrio. Today a press conference has been offered to present the initiative at the Bira cultural centre in Bilbao.

Thus, the Ahotsenea project is renewed. On the one hand, the screenings of the Durango Fair will be performed at the Plateruena Theatre in Durango. The harvest of the literature, for its part, will be collected at the Literaturia festival of Zarautz. "In Galdakao there will also be music and literature groups that will present their works," added Eneko Alday, "Amurrio's will be a musician dedicated to music."

In this sense, it is intended to promote the use of the language: "We want to bring Basque culture and music closer to children and young people," he added. In Alday’s opinion, it is about making known proposals and processes to create and enjoy in Basque. "We also want to teach people how groups are formed or organized and how groups are created. After all, we want to bring the Basque music industry or craft industry closer together. That will be the small act of the Basque Araba." To put it in some way, they want to close the cycle. "We want to thank the people who have been helping throughout the year. By the way, we will make a nod to the next feast of Araba Euskaraz from the perspective of the valley."

8 talks and 35 direct

According to the member of Ahotsenea Gotzon Barandiaran, in the coming months "8 colloquia and 35 direct" will be organized, which "means that, although less records and books are expected to be published this year, too many musicians and writers remain without the possibility of presenting their new works".

Eight Basque groups will play in Amurrio on 18 October to end this year’s Basque Araba

To respond to this lack, they have ensured that the largest number of Basque creators and creators in the Basque Country offer places to show their new creations, and that they reach as many citizens as possible. From 25 to 27 September Literaturia will be held in Zarautz, and on 18 October it will be Amurrio’s turn: "Although the Araba Euskaraz festival has been suspended in its entirety, with Ahotsenea the act prior to the pandemic will be maintained. 8 music groups will have the opportunity to present their new live papers." In Galdakao, for its part, the festival "Sormene" will be held from 2 to 8 November, which will revolve around the direct and the talks. "The Basque culture is going to launch a new plaza this year in Galdakao. Until last year the book fair will become the plaza of Basque culture with all cultural expressions".

Aiaraldea will become a sponsor of the Aiaraldea Komunikabideak initiative. As before, special monitoring of the project will be carried out via the website

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