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A total of 7,800 people have made purchases at the Durango Fair through its website, which means 28,000 products

  • The 55th edition has been completed and along with the assessment, Gerediaga Elkartea has given the following data: 7,800 purchases, 27,758 sales of products and 50,000 people have followed the program, most through streaming. This is the first time that sales are channelled via the website and the challenge is very difficult for users. However, this year’s sales of pandemic have been far from the data provided by the organizers themselves last year. Shipments continue in Landako Gunea.
Ezohiko itxura izan du Landako guneak 2020 honetan. (Argazkia: Durangoko Azoka).

09 December 2020 - 15:41

"We have met and exceeded all the initial expectations. We are excited by the response we have received from those who love culture, the collective heartbeat we have received is impressive." Nerea Mujika and Arantza Atutxa of Gerediaga Elkartea have expressed this in the evaluation press conference of the Durango Fair this year 2020.

This year, on the occasion of COVID-19, the fair has not been in person and has channeled sales via a website. Details of these transactions were made available at a press conference:

From 4 to 8 December 7,800 purchases have been made in the online shop of the Azoka. In total, 27,758 products have been purchased: 15,577 books, 7,036 musical products and 5,145 others. The average expenditure per purchaser was EUR 53 and the purchase of 3.5 products. This means that, to give an idea, by multiplying the money spent by the buyer, online sales have involved a turnover of EUR 413,400.

According to these data, online sales are far from what the classroom fair generates. Last year, Gerediaga Elkartea herself made public the results of a Siadeco survey and the difference with respect to the data is very large. They explained that around the Durango Fair six million euros were moved, and explaining the data in detail, they billed a million euros in books and half a million euros in records. Last year there were 110,000 people in Landako Gunea and each person made an average purchase of 49 euros. In addition, the fair generated an average expenditure of 28 euros per person in hospitality and services in the Biscayan locality of Durango. This year, as you know, there has been no such thing.

"It has been difficult to organize the Fair under these conditions, it has been a great challenge for us, but the answer we have obtained shows us that the effort has been worthwhile." On behalf of the fair, Nerea Mujika wanted to thank the workers who have worked for 24 hours in the warehouse: "Thank you very much to the warehouse workers, to Gerediaga's partners, to the technicians, to all those who have collaborated... thanks to you the heartbeat has remained alive." In the coming days they will continue to work in the Landako Gunea warehouse, with the aim of sending all the requests received to the homes of the lovers of culture. The President of Gerediaga also wanted to thank the fans of culture for their patience: "For the first time we have created a giant online shop of Basque culture, with all its complexity, and that is why we want to thank the understanding that buyers have shown in the face of some problems."

Broad follow-up to the Fair Programme

As for the programme, more than 100 cultural events have been organized in Durango over the past five days, and more than 2,600 people have participated in the tertulias, short story presentations, round tables... Most Plateruena concerts have exhausted the invitations, as well as several Landako Gunea events, such as the dramatized reading of the Karrika theatre group or "Taupadaz taupaDA!" Special event.

The presentations of the albums of Plateruena and the activities of Landako Gunea have been offered in streaming from the website of the Fair and the channels of various media. "A total of 43,500 people have watched the events live on streaming Although most of their followers have been from the Basque Country, there are also people who have connected to streaming from Mexico, Argentina or the United States," they said.

- You're there! Within this project, eight municipalities in the Basque Country have organized concerts in which you can enjoy: Amurrio, Villava, Azpeitia, Bermeo, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria and Ondarroa. They have participated 32 groups and most concerts have exhausted tickets for the concert. A total of 3,200 people have approached these concerts. Taking into account the Durango and non-Durango programs, a total of 5,800 people have enjoyed the classroom activities. "Adding streaming, therefore, more than 50,000 people have enjoyed the program of the Durango Fair," they said.

Arantza Atutxa pointed out that all these activities have been organised in compliance with health measures and highlighted the attitude and respect that the public has maintained at all times: "It has become clear that culture is safe and that in this very difficult situation you can also continue to enjoy it. Culture is also health! ".

Taupada in 141 bookstores

From today on, the 141 bookstores in Euskal Herria will be able to buy the products of the Fair: 13 in Álava, 59 in Bizkaia, 49 in Gipuzkoa, 1 in Lapurdi and 19 in Navarra. The full list and information for each of them can be found on your website.

Nerea Mujika stressed that "for five days, we have seen and felt Basque culture, but this is not enough to keep Basque culture alive. Because we need culture, we need culture, so let us continue to enjoy and consume Basque culture in libraries, theatres, theatres and cinemas. Let this collective heartbeat not be interrupted here."

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