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Ignoring air pollution and cancer risk in the Duranguesado

26 May 2023 - 10:13
"Airean ikusten diren horiek ez direla ur hodeiak, baizik hainbat iturriren emisioengatik ordu askoan pilatutakoa. Ez emisio iturri bakar batena, baizik eta emisio foku askorena", Eukeni Bastida.

Mr. Mayor:

Did you know that matter is not produced or destroyed, but transformed? For example, if we put a liter of water in a vessel and put it in the freezer for 24 hours, we'll get an ice block that if we heat it up, by going 100 degrees Celsius, it'll become steam. Thus, we can observe the water in its three states, with its characteristics in each of them: first liquid, solid and finally gas. In the latter, we could say that it has disappeared, but that is not the case, it has disappeared from the boat but has become part of the air. We can no longer control its dispersion and it has become breathable. It has never happened, it has not disappeared.

A few years ago, the largest study was published linking factory contamination with malignant tumors.


Areas exposed to carcinogenic substances appear in dark colours within 5 kilometres.


This study deals with industrial emissions. It has to be said that emissions in the Duranguesado are not just industrial emissions. There is also traffic, mountain burns, house heating systems... But we can conclude that the last thing we need is to have more fireplaces.

Mr Mayor, have you ever had a fish tank at home? It is known that when we take the fish out of their natural environment, their living conditions change. And in order to keep it in good condition, we must take into account ammonia or ammonia (nitrogen toxic element). Its toxicity depends on the ph of the aquarium water. It is also necessary to know the nitrogen cycle, that is, to decompose nitrogen substances (toxic to fish) through bacteria in other less toxic ones. Not to mention the degree of water oxygenation. Therefore, the study of water is fundamental and a priority for the aquatic ecosystem to be habitable. If the fish are not in a healthy environment, their organisms get out of balance because they accumulate and sicken toxic substances and can die.

I've heard more than one expert say that the postcode for cancer development has more influence than the genetic code.

A few years ago, an acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer. Doctors may know if the disease is caused by genetic, hereditary, or environmental factors. The doctor told this person: “Your cancer is due to environmental factors.” I've heard more than one expert say that the postcode for cancer development has more influence than the genetic code.

Thinking of the farmer, what happens if we subject 80,000 people from the Duranguesado to the following emissions? Under the effect that the National Records of Pluviometric Emissions are issued annually in the Duranguesado? Hydrogen cyanide 1,500 kg, benzene 7,639 kg, ammonia 6,189 kg, methane 41,576 kg, carbon monoxide 372,038 kg, carbon dioxide 1,908,226.352 kg, nitrous oxide 18,242 kg, non-methane volatile organic compounds 242,812 kg, nitrogen oxide 4063 kg, sulphur oxide 42,227 kg, heating systems… PM

Well, on February 3, 2023, International Cancer Day, while politicians of all colors attended events on this subject, the air of Iurreta and Durango was heavy and irritating to breathe. Interestingly, social media had a lot to say about events, but not about one of the most important causes of cancer.


On February 4, 2022, the concentration of PM2.5 particles in Durango was 122.


PM2.5 particles are small enough to enter our lungs and reach the blood flow and reach our organs. We are therefore not just talking about respiratory problems. The problems can be multiple: sterility, abortions, stroke, heart problems, tumors...

We live in this situation because emissions are there, and developing a disease is just a matter of luck, whether or not the wind direction separates those particles before we breathe. Day and night. So sleeping with the window open at night in this valley can be a mistake.

Several studies indicate a higher incidence of diseases in areas closest to polluting sources

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established exposure limits for particulate pollutants. It is incomprehensible that the Basque Government, instead of seeking our health and cutting these limits, should be more lax and consider how to regulate what is bad for the WHO.

Through the geoEuskadi viewfinder of the Department of Health we can know the cancer registry by zonas.Colorea the map depending on the incidence of cancer in each area. This website is available to any of us. For example, I searched for malignant tumors between 2013-2017 and in men. Here's the result. As Dr. Ibañez pointed out in his visit to Durangaldera, there are numerous studies that point to a higher incidence of diseases in areas closest to polluting sources.

What is to be done in such a situation? The easiest thing is to raise your voice and provoke it, and I think anyone can do it, but ... What do you think if we dedicate time to pedagogy? To give the problem its dimension, to explain it, to give data, to quote and to argue sources… What are we each doing? What do our close authorities contribute to?

Workers cannot put us at the crossroads of “either you have a job or you have health.” It is the lie of those who reduce costs by reducing the health of others. We don't have to give up health. It is up to politicians to give the best solution to the problems facing us, and to throw more dirt in the air is not an improvement.


Something unexpected has happened in the last four years. On one side of Zaldibar waste would be dumped, collapsed and no longer collected. Among the waste sent was the waste from some Basque stationery. In order to find a new solution to this waste, the Basque Government has set up a kiln for the Bergapers. In this furnace these residues will be introduced, leaving a solid compound called calcium carbonate in function of the furnace builder. All 2,000 meters from downtown Bergara. The furnace builder is a company from Elche, which would be its first project.

Workers cannot put us at the crossroads of “either you have a job or you have health.” It is the lie of those who reduce costs by reducing the health of others.

I had the opportunity to be in the presentation of the oven in Bergara. Carlos Arribas, a Physical Science graduate, answered hard and said: “In practice it will be incinerator and very polluting.” The project manager replied: “The Bergapers will have the guarantees of the Basque Government, because if we do not comply with environmental requirements, the Government itself will close the installation.” That person does not know as well as we do the Basque Government, or perhaps knows it better than we do.

It must also be said that European aid Next Generation (our money), aid for the digital, ecological transition, etc., are being used for such projects: sustainable, green, zero kilometre, etc. Sometimes I think we take into account a few, but… it has to be said that the company Dikar de Bergara, with 300 workers, knowing that this plant will be built, has decided to go to Mondragón with the votes of the workers (70% in favour and 30% against) not to be close to the installation that will generate these vapours and particles.


In Bergara it was manifested in 2022, when they knew that the project was going to be built.


It must be remembered that Petronor acts with all the guarantees of the Basque Government, that the Zaldibar landfill operated with all the guarantees of the Basque Government, that the modern incinerator of Zubieta operates with all the guarantees of the Basque Government. Our mountains are already impoverished soils, monocultures with all the guarantees of the Basque Government and the Council.

How can we prevent environmental crimes from being collected as crimes? Sometimes they are better understood by unifying multiple news stories.

When this Basque Government unifies the Department of Industry and the Environment, and with people with a profile like Arantxa Tapia, it is very easy for capital to prevail over our health.


The photo is the image of our livestock on a very low relative humidity day. This means that what you see in the air is not water clouds, but accumulated over many hours by emissions from different sources. Not from a single source of emission, but from multiple sources of emission. The concentration is so high that it looks. This situation is too frequent throughout the year.

Returning to the conclusions of the collapse of the Zalbide landfill, not all the waste paper will send its waste to Bergara. The Iurreta oven has already built its own municipal license oven. We citizens have not been aware of this until we have seen the work going on. Now we have certainties and questions. We must thank the manager of the stationery Smurfit Kappa who has been the only one who has given data on this subject through the press.

We now know that 75,000 tonnes a year are not going to landfill. It's 205.5 tons a day. We also know that this new furnace has a lime production capacity of 120 tonnes per day.

We must remember that Petronor, the Zaldibar dump and the modern Zubieta incinerator act with all the guarantees of the Basque Government.

Questions for the mayor: Suppose a day when the furnace works at its peak performance, if 205.5 tons of waste is introduced and this generates 120 tons of lime, where do the other 85.5 tons a day go? How much comes out of the fireplace? What compounds will come out of the fireplace and what will affect the neighbours of Iurreta and Durango?

How is it possible that during the legislature there are serious episodes of pollution and that a mayor does not say anything? How is it possible that during all these periods when the population has been exposed to very high levels of pollutants, municipalities have not given a clear warning to the public, recommending not to perform outdoor activities such as school sport?

How is it possible that these X tonnes are intended to be poured into the air at 1,500 metres from the town centre, and that the City Council grant a licence for works without giving more importance than the reform of the bathroom of any neighbour?

100% of the population will not be able to avoid emissions. Besides the usual gases, we all breathe. However, according to the language used, the emission of more gases and particles into the air we breathe can also be elegantly decorated.

When someone talks about this issue, we have to know that there are those who are talking about health, that there are those who are talking about politics and that there are those who are talking to us about their business. It changes perspectives, vision and arguments.

As regards European regulations, we must remember that Europe says that the precautionary principle must be applied. In case of doubt about the security of a process, it must be cancelled.

How can it be that during all these periods when the population has been exposed to very high levels of pollutants, municipalities have not given a clear warning to the public?

Someone from the City Hall has decided that these extra emissions are acceptable. Acceptable to the population. Making decisions to do things that are harmful to people, regardless of people, are sometimes decisions that age quickly and badly. I can think of a few examples.

If anyone thinks I publish this paper these days, thinking that this mayor can cost him a vote, I have to say it's true, that's my intention. I think doing this to a people and being a candidate for mayor is not compatible.

Nor would he campaign for any party. Let everyone demonstrate their concern for the well-being of citizens. During the election period, little is said about what is going to be done and too many colours and flags are used. I once heard a great bertsolari reflect on how we flipped flags too much. He said: "If you look at it, the flags are just rags that the wind swings. And when there's no wind, it's not that."

Removing the vote of the current mayor would be a way of sending a message to politicians and setting our priorities. Not everything is worth it.

I would very much like to see someone offended with this writing. The situation seems to me to be appalling.

After a few have taken such decisions, we can only wish them luck.

Thanks to those we sent you, without you it would not be possible.

Eukeni Bastida

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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