The Ministry of Labour and the ELA trade union highlight the data of the February unemployment: Compared to the previous month, the number of unemployed has decreased by 1,702 people in the CAV (-1.3%), while in Navarre it has increased by 825 (+3.02%).
Compared to last year, female unemployment has increased by 216 people (12.3%): The number of women unemployed is 96,668, according to the latest unemployment figures.
52.3% of unemployed persons received no unemployment benefit in January (90.181). And only 28% have received the contributory unemployment benefit.
The Basque Government considers that "despite the worst crisis of 80 years, since August, a different pattern has been observed from the first months of the pandemic and, above all, very different from the previous crises. Before the 2008 crisis, unemployment grew in February, just as it did in those years of crisis. On the contrary, unemployment fell in February since 2015, with the exception of the slight upturn in 2017, but to a lesser extent than this month. There are currently 10% more unemployed than a year ago, but 62% less than half a year ago," he said.
Copenhagen, 18 December 1974 At 12 noon a ferry arrived at the port, from where a group of about 100 Santa Claus landed. They brought a gigantic geese with them. The idea was to make a kind of “Trojan Goose” and, upon reaching the city, to pull the white beard costumes... [+]
Langabezia nehoiz baino apalago da Iparraldean, baina inflazioa beti traba izaten segitzen du ekonomian. 2023ko lehen sei hilabetetako tendentzien berri eman du Baionako Merkataritza eta Industria Ganberak. 210 enpresabururen sentipena bildu dute inkesta batean. Heren batek... [+]
In the year we have left behind, there were 150,000 unemployed in the peninsular Basque Country, of whom almost 80,000 were not receiving economic benefits. At the same time, 76% of CAPV companies point out that they have a great difficulty finding workers they need. It's one of... [+]
Some of the data used to analyse employment trends over the summer have been published. Data always showing photographs that are carried out according to the classifications established by the Capital. And they've taught us their regular photo. So, the old ones. However, and if... [+]