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In the midst of the war on drugs, marijuana is "legalized" in Mexico

  • On 10 March, the Lower House of the Mexican Congress passed a legislative initiative to legalize cannabis use, which was later approved by the Senate. Thus, after Uruguay and Canada, cannabis can be used in Mexico for leisure and leisure time, although the legalisation of cannabis cannot be guaranteed. In a country heavily influenced and bloodied by drug trafficking, the authorization of a drug does not occur every day.
Legalizazioaren aldeko manifestazio bat Mexikon. Argazkia: Reuters

04 June 2021 - 08:20
Last updated: 10:28

The Mexican initiative does not legalise the use of cannabis. The main change is to increase considerably the number of Marihuanas that each can bring with them. So far, the law has allowed up to five grams of marijuana. They have now increased almost six times that amount: 28 grams. Sanctions have also changed. Having between 29 and 200 grams of marijuana carries a fine and, for the higher amounts, a prison sentence. The sale of cannabis will also remain a crime. Most marijuana detainees in Mexico are for amounts of between 5 and 100 grams. Amendment of the law puts an end to these arrests.

As for planting, the law allows the planting of cannabis for own consumption (maximum six plants per adult or eight per household). However, prior authorization from the National Commission against Addictions is required. The law also grants security forces a special capacity to access the home of cannabis growers without asking for a court order to "verify compliance with the law".

The law has very large limitations with respect to the laws adopted by countries such as Uruguay or Canada, pioneers in legalization, but it is a symbolic landmark of great importance in Mexico. He has been in the midst of a bloody "war on drugs" for decades, and narcos have had their leg and half in public institutions.

According to a 2016 Senate study, drug cartels earned between $1 billion and $2 billion each year for the sale of cannabis in the United States, accounting for between 15% and 26% of their total income. However, the importance of cannabis has been significantly reduced in cartel revenues, since marijuana was legalized in many states of the United States, one of these latter cases is New York.

The law has been backed by the party of the president, López obrador, who had so far said he was the Obrador himself. In February 2020, during the debate on the initiative at the Mexican Congress, Obrador said he would only support the medical use of cannabis. To a large extent, López obrador has also resisted the war on drugs. For example, recently and by decree, the armed forces extend their authorization to carry out public safety work until 2024. Professor at the University of Wollongong in Australia and former advisor to former Mexican President Vicente Fox, Luis Gómez Romero, recalled that in the last 15 years some 150 000 people have died, approximately half of the murders that occurred in Mexico.

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