Tractors 60-70 have taken over the Lakua district on Tuesday and will walk the streets adjacent to the government headquarters until 17:00. Overnight in front of the building housing the government offices, on a plot next to the Vitoria bus terminal.
The tractors have met in this expansion towards 10:00, convened by the agricultural union UAGA and the Treviño Association, and in favour of Araba Landa. Half an hour later, they began to circulate in the streets surrounding the government’s headquarters, specifically the Boulevard de Euskal Herria, the Duke of Wellington, Gabriel Celaya and San Sebastián.
This protest was made one month after the first tractors that collapsed in Vitoria to ask for measures to deal with the crisis in the countryside. They will also do so this Wednesday when tractors return on the streets close to government headquarters from 10:00 to 17:00. Among them, at 12:00 a concentration will be held in front of the government on foot and a manifesto will be read with its demands.
UAGA explained that in the meetings held so far with the Government of Lakua and the Provincial Council of Álava, ‘concrete’ measures such as payment of CAP aid or advance payment of VAT for the year 2023 have not had an ‘effective response’.
The mobilisations will end on Thursday with the same pattern. This day farmers hope to be able to meet the members of the Lakua Government. However, they do not rule out further protest actions, considering whether this finally occurs and the result.
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