Peaceful demonstrators have been shot on Wednesday in Myanmar and have recorded at least 38 deaths in protests across the country, despite the fact that the death toll is rising. Although there were several deaths in protests against the Board in the past days, Wednesday has been the bloodiest day since the coup d ' état took place on 1 February.
The demonstrations have challenged the bans imposed by the military junta and have taken to the streets to call for the restoration of democracy and the release of political prisoners. The Guardian has interviewed Thinzar Shunlei Yi, a human rights activist who says that "every day a massacre is taking place" in the country.
A multitude of videos are being disseminated on social networks documenting Wednesday's violence. This thread is gathering videos of attacks perpetrated in several cities.
Meanwhile, protests have continued in many cities, and protesters have erected barricades to face the Governing Board.
BBC hedabideak ikerketa bat argitaratu du, eta militarrek uztailean egindako lau sarraskiren berri eman du. Uste dute hilketak “zigor kolektiboak” izan direla, herri horiek baitira agintean dagoen junta militarraren oposizioaren gotorlekua. Armadak ez ditu hilketak... [+]
Behar militarrek ezin dituzte justifikatu espetxeratzeak, torturak, bortxaketak, sexu esklabotza eta jazarpena bezalako delituak, Nazio Batuen Erakundeak (NBE) publiko egin duen txostenaren arabera.
Mugarik Gabeko Medikuak GKEak kaleratutako txosten baten arabera, rohingya etniako 6.700 kide hil zituen gutxienez Myanmarreko armadak, haien aurka egindako erasoaldiaren lehen hilabetean. Horietatik 730 bost urtetik beherako umeak ziren. Myanmarreko Gobernuak 400 biktima baino... [+]