Telegram and Instagram anonymous promoters seem to want to extend the formula used in the Guipuzkoan capital to other capitals of Euskal Herria. One of the administrators of the Telegram group of Donostia-San Sebastian, known as Jumima, has created groups of the same name for Vitoria-Gasteiz and Iruña.
The Telegram Group was created on October 1 by the user Jumima, who, at the time of writing this news, after a month and a half, has obtained 544 members. The same user created on September 26 Vitoria (which doesn't tell you about Vitoria-Gasteiz), but this group has only three members and has no activity. Jumima is also looking at the Spanish state, as on the same day he created the Vitorian group Lo Que no Te Nos de Barcelona and Lo Que no Te Nos de Madrid. The latter two are not active today either, and the only partner is Jumima himself. The only administrator that repeats in the four groups is the user Jumima.
Of all those Telegram groups that have just been set up, only that of Pamplona has its new members and activity, as has been said, with content similar to those of the Donostia group: news related to crime and racialized people, many taken from far-right media; images and photographs of racialized people accused of criminals; and extreme racist comments from the members of the group, including those claiming violence against racialized people.
Attempted mobilisation in Pamplona
On 9 October, in the Pamplona district of Rochapea, a racialized young woman slain a 20-year-old woman. The Telegram group in Pamplona came to a standstill with racist information and comments about the news, and some of its members began to call for a mobilisation. “Be attentive to this group and social networks! A concentration will soon be organized, giving maximum help to this group and to the rest of the networks!”, one of the administrators then wrote, and stressed the importance of legalizing the call and ensuring the presence of people.
One of the users proposed day and place: Friday, October 11 in front of the PSN headquarters in the Paseo de Sarasate. Administrator Jumima sent a survey that allowed a yes or no answer to the question “Will you go to Friday’s concentration?” Only 27 people voted and did not mobilize. Ten days later, on October 21, Donosti's Lo Que No Te Counted group held its first rally against the KAS Street Solidary Dinners group and the citizens living on the street.
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