On 21 June, the ultra-right party Vox appeared in Donostia-San Sebastian, after the atmosphere was unleashed in the Basque capital. Javier Ortega Smith and dozens of militants showed provocative attitude in the Gipuzkoan capital, where Juncker was arrested. The group had to be escorted throughout the stay by a large unit of the Ertzaintza Mobile Brigade, surrounded by hundreds of people screaming “outside here” and “outside fascists”.
In the face of the influx of people, the Ertzaintza opted to attack the protesters who were in the Plaza de Toros. The members of Vox were beaten by the baton and had to flee through the city center.
We have then seen some examples of the unnecessary violence of ertzaina, always with regard to those who protested against the fascists. pic.twitter.com/V9PltCnlFu
— Lander Arbelaitz (@larbelaitz) June 21, 2020
On Saturday the members of Vox were concentrated in Bilbao, in the San Francisco neighborhood, which has a very large immigrant population. The Bilbaínos also expressed their contempt for the aggressions and both the Ertzaintza and the Municipal Police dedicated themselves to escort in escort duties. Police forces arrested a neighbour in the incidents that occurred in the Guipuzkoan neighbourhood.
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