The works of the island of Santa Clara of Donostia-San Sebastian will remain the same after the inauguration of the work Hondalea, by Cristina Iglesias, which cost 4.5 million euros. The trade union section of the workers of the City of Donostia-San Sebastian, LAB, has detected these irregularities and has brought to the attention of the municipal government at an internal level, so they have not received answers to the questions asked, so it has sent the information and complaints of the workers who have closely followed the works of the island to the Prosecutor of Gipuzkoa. The Mayor, Eneko Goia, also received a copy of the Mayor's report on Monday.
Several reports have been left to the Public Prosecutor’s Office: On the one hand, irregularities have been detected in the procedure for awarding the building’s rehabilitation works to LKS Fhecor.
Before the Churches’ sculpture entered the building, the roof of the building was removed and, keeping the facade, LKS was directly tendered for a contract procedure of less than 15,000 euros. Once the introduction of the sculpture began, the direction of the rehabilitation works of the building was carried out by the same company, without any type of tender, according to LAB. That is what LKS says on its website. Nor does the opinion on the approval of the 2019-910 project contain a call for tenders. According to the union, it was processed by the director of the project and works department of the City Council, Alfonso Vázquez, without bidding this service, awarding it directly to LKS-Fhecor.
In addition, they have asked the Prosecutor’s Office of Gipuzkoa to investigate how the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian has paid LKS-Fhecor the direction of the rehabilitation works of the building because, if there is no tender, the public entity cannot pay it directly.
The management of the works has been carried out by LKS, which has been responsible for supervising the development of the work in the field. The company Moyua has been in charge of demolishing the building, once the sculpture was included, and rebuilding it again. Moyua, who made a budget of 1.46 million euros when he obtained the tender of the work, was approved by the City Council, which has finally cost him 1.8 million euros. 23% more than announced in the award.
The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian, under the direction of the Department of Projects and Works, has approved the liquidation of the works of Moyua.
The trade union section of LAB in the City of Donostia-San Sebastian has confirmed on social networks the information they have transferred to the prosecutor’s office and announced that the information will be expanded on Wednesday.
LA RUINA, LA RUINA DE LA ISLA.La trade union section of
— LAB Donostiako Udala (@LABudaladonosti) June 8, 2021
LAB in the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián has transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office of Gipuzkoa the urban processing of the placement of the Hondalea sculpture on the island of Santa Clara due to irregularities. Tomorrow we will extend all the information. #HondaleGardetasunaNow
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