In March 2018, the Municipal Government of Donostia approved an ordinance authorizing the tourist apartments to also be above the first floor. However, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, after studying an appeal, ruled that an ordinance could not regulate it without changes to the General Plan.
"We wondered how many tourist apartments were in Gros above the first floor, and in that exercise we found 7 tourist apartments," explains the association of Hondarpe neighbors. The next question we asked ourselves was who could be interested in bringing housing to business and not in guaranteeing a fundamental vital condition."
In this search, the collectives of Gros met with a surprise: as they denounced this Thursday in a press conference, the owner of one of these dwellings is the municipal secretary of Donostia-San Sebastián, Juan Carlos Echezarreta. On behalf of one of his family members, he has been asked to make tourist use of the house he has on the sixth floor of a building on Usandizaga Street.
"Among the functions of the municipal secretaries is to analyze whether the rules that are adopted are in conformity with the law and to make advice based on it, which sometimes aggravates this situation," they explained. In their view, both the TSJPV and the Supreme Court have already warned that this procedure, adopted in March 2018, does not comply with the law.
This detail will be made available to "trustworthy lawyers" who have asked for "explanations and responsibilities" to the mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián, Eneko Goia, and to the secretary general, Echezarreta.
In any case, the agents have linked this "event" in the context of the conflict in the issue of the right to housing: "It's no coincidence," they stressed. "They have turned housing into a product and, in addition, they have used our neighborhood, both as commodities for capitalist accumulation," he added.
In this regard, they have announced that they will continue "in defense of the neighborhoods" and have shown their support to those who work for the right to housing. On Friday in Bilbao a demonstration will be held against the eviction of a neighbour of Santutxu, and in Donostia-San Sebastián on 30 April they will mobilize to protest the neighbours of a building in Egia.
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