ARGIA has collected data last year from the institutional advertising paid by the municipal government in the media. In total, it has used EUR 496,408 as institutional advertising. Most of the money raised was for El Diario Vasco, which together with Teledonda shared a total of EUR 121,340, 25%. At the end of the news, the reader will find the data in detail, but to make an idea, ARGIA received 2,087 euros, 0.5% of the total.
Most of the communications that the Government of Eneko Goia makes through institutional advertising do not reach the Donostiarras that are informed with the Basque media, as most of the campaigns are conducted in Spanish only. In other words, the greatest economic impulse with institutional advertising is given to El Diario Vasco y Ser. In the third place is EiTB, and in the fourth place is News from Gipuzkoa, with 263 points. In this data there are no more than tens of thousands of euros, most classified by sponsorships and minor contracts, such as those granted by the City Council for organizing events such as San Sebastián Gastronomika.
The distribution criteria are not clear. If there are hearings, it is not understood, for example, that News from Gipuzkoa receives more than Gara, Berriak or ARGIA, according to CIES data, even if there are tens of thousands of readers more than three national media, the News Group newspaper has received more.
In 2018 ARGIA analyzed the distribution made by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and by the Basque Government. In both cases, the Spanish-language media received an important economic boost from the Basque media – more than what the Basque Government shares in the grants in Euskera – and in the EUR 5 million that the Basque Government distributed last year among various media, two Basque media were granted 6%.
DATA | Institutional advertising in euros of the City of San Sebastian 2021:
Diario Vasco: 99.979
Be: 60.480
EITB: 49.962
Teledonosti: 21.881
News from Gipuzkoa: 20.881
Hurry Group: 19.790
Gara: 10.842
Basque Wave: 8.477
New: 8.783
Sud Ouest 7.598
Wave Zero: 6.255
Irutxuloko Hitza: 6.166
Cope: 3.497 2.550
Business strategy: 2,500
Chain 100: 2.387
CLARO: 2.087
Dozens of TV: 1.650
Radio Brand: 1,000
bertsolaris: 900
popular radio: 602
Gaztezulo: 550
Hear! 537
Donostia Kultura Irratia: 200
Espainiako Gardentasun Kontseiluak zortzi ministeriori iragarkien datuak publiko egin behar dituztela exijitu ostean, salaketa jarri dute Auzitegi Nazionalean erabakia ez betetzeko.
Hedabide euskaldunak biltzen dituen Hekimen elkarteak bilera eskatu dio Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, erakunde horrek iragarritako publizitate instituzionalaren beherakada aztertzeko. 2015eko aurrekontuarekin alderatuta, erdira jaitsiko du euskarazko hedabideetako publizitatea... [+]