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Eguzki denounces non-compliance with the selective collection by the City of Donostia

Artikulu hau CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

04 October 2024 - 09:39
Zaborra pilatuta, Garberaren atzealdeko edukiontzietan. Eguzki

The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián announced at last Thursday’s plenary session that it will increase the waste rate by 26.5% from January 2025, claiming that Waste Law 7/2022 obliges this. Eguzki, for its part, has denounced that the law only applies in terms of costs, and that it also requires a certain percentage of selective collection. According to the environmental group, however, today, San Sebastian does not reach the minimum: “The law requires that by 2025 at least 55% be collected separately. And how much does San Sebastian receive? An insufficient 41.3%, i.e. the population that was least selective in Gipuzkoa,” has gathered the report published by the environmental group.

Eguzki recalled that other municipalities in Gipuzkoa have been selectively receiving between 60% and 70% of the waste for years. On the other hand, environmentalists have regretted that this increase in the amount of taxes is clearly contrary to the aim of the law, as the polluter should pay more: “In practice, the waste rate is flat in Donostia. Citizens pay the same whether or not they separate selectively. And that's not fair."

The environmental organisation also considers that the City of Donostia-San Sebastián does not inform the public in detail of the amounts to be paid for the waste service: “The Donostiarras do not know that in Vitoria-Gasteiz they will go from 56 euros to 104, while in Donostia-San Sebastián we currently pay an average of 210 euros and with the rise we will pay 265 euros.”

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