October against Turistification was rounded off last Sunday with a multitudinous demonstration in favor of the tourist growth of the Bizilagunak platform, but the debate on turistification is still alive in the city. In particular, they have contacted the tourism of Donostia-San Sebastián in the last year, with data from the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Government, Eustat and INE. Over these days, Bizilagun will continue to publish these types of publications, with various data, in order to keep the debate on tourist destination alive.
On the one hand, the general information of the visitors: From September 2023 to August 2024, Donostia-San Sebastian has received 1,279,000 visits, regardless of visitors who have their habitual residence in other municipalities of Gipuzkoa. It should be remembered that San Sebastian has fewer than 190,000 inhabitants.
For tourist accommodation, the data are as follows: San Sebastian has 1,381 tourist homes, 144 tourist rooms, 167 hotels -126 of one or two stars and 41 of more than three stars- and 27 hostels and other tourist accommodations.
For hotels and hostels, the platform has made significant comparisons. On the one hand, between 2014 and 2024, the number of hotels in the city has risen by 56%: 42% for those between one and two stars and 128% for those with more than three stars. On the other hand, the number of hostels has increased by 69% in the same period of time.