On Sunday the Korrika will end in Donostia and a great deal of influx is expected at the final party of this popular initiative for the Basque people. The closing ceremony will take place at 12:30 a.m. on the Alameda del Boulevard. The organizers, in collaboration with different agents of the city, have presented a broad program for the whole day.
The Pirates of San Sebastian have organized an electrotxaranga that will start at 12:30 hours on the Boulevard and end in the Old Part of San Sebastian. The space, organized on the pier, has hosted throughout the day a photographic exhibition that covers the 20 years of history of Donostiako Piratak.
Three exhibitions: Messages composed by the sisters Korrika, Korrika in the world and In minority languages.
12:00: atmosphere of the area, waiting for the Korrika to arrive: joaldunak, trikitilaris, albokaris, etc.
12:30 hours: 22. Final act of the Korrika.
13:00: exit from the kantujira to the Old Part.
13:30 hours: Once a day they will play a great game, live.
15:00: He'll walk the Electro Charanga.
16:00 hours: Morada Alert.
17:00: Concert by Kilimak.
10:00: They will know the forest and practice the activity of Urgull by the hand of the Xomorro group (write to xomorrotaldea@gmail.com).
13:00: Spectacle of goblins.
15:00: Until 17:00 hours, courses will be offered in circus, orchard, wood construction and language play.
17:00: Action by the clowns Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots. 22. They're honored by the Korrika.
Fair of local products.
13:30 hours: It will be performed by Euskal Herriko Batukada Feminist Sarea.
15:30: Performance of the dance group Axuri Beltza.
16:30 hours: Bertso-saioa.
18:00: Concert by Olatz Salvador.
20:00 hours: Trikidantz group performance.
13:30 hours: Charanga Elektro.
14:30: Projection of the neighborhood project.
15:00: Presentation of the Young Creators Network of Gipuzkoa.
16:30 hours: Concert by Lamiak.
17:30: Concert by the Mugan group.
18:30: Concert of the ETS group.
17:00: Pilgrimage.
Popular food in two shifts: 13:30 and 15:00 hours. Tickets will be collected on the Korrika website.
Throughout the day, trade fair for craftsmen and public agents. ARGIA is going to put a seat on it.
Behe bandako zutabea bezain erlojuaren aurka prestatzen ditut mozorroak, korrika, aztoratuta, zalantzaz, erretxin, estropezuka eta sarri arrakasta ez erabatekoarekin; adibidez, zutabe hau eta biharko mozorroa. Oraindik ez dakit bietako zein bukatuko dudan lehenago. Baina... [+]
Gizakunde (Inauteriak)
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.
Amaitu dira inauteriak, sutan erre ditugu gaiztoak, gaizkiak, sardinak eta panpinak. Baina xomorroak esnatu dira eta badator... [+]
Lantzeko inauteri txikien kalejira ikusle guztien begietara urtero modukoa izan zen. Txatxoak, Zaldiko, Ziripot eta Miel Otxin herriko ostatuko ganbaratik jaitsi eta herritik barna bira egin zuten txistularien laguntzarekin. Askok, ordea, ez zekiten une historiko bat bizitzen... [+]
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.