The collective Antondegi Verde - Olatuak Itsasoa has announced mobilizations, an information campaign and the collection of signatures to suspend the construction of the artificial wave installation in the Gipuzkoan town of Antondegi. They have asked the mayor, Eneko Goia, and the municipal political parties to read and take into account the arguments they have put forward. And to citizenship, although it does not share all the arguments, if it agrees with some of them, that they sign against the project.
“We’re on time to stop this project”
Fifteen arguments have been listed. In short, the signatories believe that “this project does not respond to a demand from surfers; it could only be used by surfers who meet the criteria established by the company and those who participate in certain competitions; the company has a similar infrastructure in Aizarnazabal; it encourages the artificialization of surfing; thinking that artificial waves can help the formation of elite surfers is more a belief than a reality; the championships in artificial waves are very
Among the Guipuzkoan surfers that have already signed are Gorka Alcantarilla, Laida Rodríguez, Arkaitz Bardaji, Urko Otxoa, June Torrealdai, Janire Virgala, Unai Aizpurua, Aurora Makazaga, Lo Eizagirre, Mizanikel Troitiño.
Hainbat elkartek alarma piztu zuten Donibane Lohitzuneko Surf park proiektuaren kontra. Uhain artifizialak eta inguruan hotelak. Hara ze itxura ukango zuen guneak. Baina dirudienez ez da urrunago joanen.
«Rame pour ta planète», surf rider fondation… hainbat elkarteek alarma jo dute Donibane Lohizuneko Surf Park proiektuaren aintzinean.