Eh Bildu denounced that on 7 May a new zulo appeared in the booths of the La Concha beach. This is the third hole that has appeared in the works of the Donostia-San Sebastian Metro and that, according to Euskal Trenbide Sarea this Monday, has been the largest. The STD CEO, Ernesto Martínez de Cabredo, has pointed out that 130 cubic meters of concrete have been needed to cover the hole, four times more than the one used in the juices that appeared in June and September.
EH Bildu has again called for works to be halted for the safety of citizens and workers until a "comprehensive analysis" of the subsoil is carried out. "If the studies carried out so far have not been able to detect a hole of this magnitude, how can we ensure that the works will resume in June, as if nothing happened? ", asked by Garbiñe Alkiza in the monitoring committee of the works.
In addition, Alkiza has accused ETS of concealing the appearance of the hole: “They first concealed that there was a hole and then, when EH Bildu made it public, they tried to take away the importance of it to hide that today there are not enough security guarantees to continue with the perforations, and because they know that a veneer is being made in the works.”
Satorralaia plataformak eman du gainkostuaren berri, informazioa Jaurlaritzari eskatutako txosten batetik aterata. Donostiako metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiaren lanak 53 milioi eurotan esleitu ziren, eta egungo aurrekontua 139,4 milioi eurokoa da. Donostiako metro-pasantearen... [+]