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Satorralaia denounces the crack caused by the works of the San Sebastian metro in a building

  • The movement has described the crack appearing in the patio of an influx of Zubieta Street in San Sebastián as "shadow". Five years after the start of the works, Satorralaya has denounced that the "permanent waste of public resources" that is taking place in the construction of the San Sebastian metro and the work is part of the "harmful urban policies" that are being promoted in San Sebastian.

22 February 2023 - 11:08
Eraikinean eragindako arrakala. Argazkia: Satorralaia.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The neighborhood movement of Satorralaia denounces the gravity of the structural destabilization caused by the construction of the San Sebastian metro in a building on Zubieta Street. He says that in the courtyard of a building on Zubieta Street a "huge" crack has appeared and sent a photograph to the media.

The Satorralaya movement has announced that the slit size shows the "severity of the destabilization" of the building. It says that the structure of the house has moved to the work. The movement has stressed that the public confidentiality of these damages is "unacceptable" by the government and the municipal government.

On the other hand, the tunnel drilling front under the beach is currently a few meters from the supports of the Paseo de la Concha and in the coming months the Construction Project considers it a "critical point".

In fact, the study of geophysical prospections warns that on June 5, 2020 caused a "serious" accident and the first "hole" of the metro, "the rupture of the rocky substrate will intensify" in the vicinity of Rafael Muñoa Street, next to the walk". Satorralaia says this can lead to repeated events.

Five years after the beginning of the works, Satorralaya denounces the "permanent waste of public resources" that is taking place in the construction of the San Sebastian metro and places the work within the "harmful urban policies" that the city is promoting.

On the Argia website you can read more sinister reports by Satorralaya.

You are interested in the channel: Donostiako metroa?
They denounce the fall of cornices and balconies of a building in San Sebastian as a result of the works of the metro
The Satorralaia movement explains that it happened at noon on Wednesday in Urbieta and San Martin streets. The building is next to another building that was damaged last January.

Satorralaia reports that the works of the metro have caused a new crack
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2021-09-02 | ARGIA
Xabier Albistur, Donostiako alkate-ohia: “Metroa alferrikako obra da”

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2021-05-13 | ARGIA
Donostiako metroko obrek sortutako azken zuloa aurrekoen hirukoitza da EH Bilduren arabera

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2021-05-07 | ARGIA
Hirugarren zulo bat agertu da Donostiako metroaren lanetan

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“Hormigoiaren mafia ala Euskal Errepublika” lelopean, Donostiako Metroaren sarbideetan ekimena egin dute

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2020-11-18 | Jone Markuleta
EH Bilduk, Elkarrekin Donostiak, ELAk, LABek eta Satorralaiak Donostiako metroko obrak gelditzeko eskatu dute

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Donostiako metroaren lanek beste zulo bat eragin dute Zubieta kalean

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2020-11-12 | ARGIA
Donostiako metroaren aurka larunbatean egingo den manifestaziora joateko deia luzatu du Satorralaiak

Satorralaia bizilagunen mugimenduaren ustez metroaren lanak eten behar izatean “proiektuaren zentzugabekeria egiaztatu baino ez du egiten”. Manifestazioa azaroaren 14an abiatuko da eguerdiko 12:00etan Koldo Mitxelenatik.

2020-10-21 | Irutxuloko Hitza
Donostiako metroaren igarobidearen gainkostua salatzeko elkarretaratzea egingo du EH Bilduk

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Eguneraketa berriak daude