Irutxuloko Hitza has contacted the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián and according to it, "at the moment it is not possible to clarify what this hole has caused". Members of the Basque Railway Network and the Local Police have inspected the site and the workers have begun to throw concrete into the area. The Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, has said that the area’s neighbours can rest assured and that this is the second time that something like this happens, that people who are doing work take all the necessary measures to ensure that the work is carried out safely. When he heard the news in the morning, he concluded by saying that they were worried about the news.
The hole has increased by two hours, until 8:00 in the morning, as you can see by comparing the photo that Joxean Urkiola has hung on social media to illustrate the news.
The zulo was parked in the vicinity of number 8 of Zubieta Street, where several buildings had to be evicted last June due to the tunnel being built in this area.
To carry out this controversial infrastructure, the centre of Donostia-San Sebastian, Amara and the Old is being excavated. The authorities have already admitted that the cost to citizens will be around EUR million more than when the project was approved. EH Bildu has denounced that the cost overrun will be the same as it was approved, i.e. that the expenditure will double, due to the cost overruns that can reach EUR 50 million.
Complaints relating to safety at work have also been diverse, as can be seen in this link.
Satorralaia plataformak Donostiako Metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiko lanek “%164ko gainkostua” izan dutela salatu zuen joan den astean, eta, horren harira, EH Bilduk gainkostu hori argitzeko eskatu du, Eusko Legebiltzarrean erregistratutako galdera sorta baten bidez.
Satorralaia plataformak eman du gainkostuaren berri, informazioa Jaurlaritzari eskatutako txosten batetik aterata. Donostiako metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiaren lanak 53 milioi eurotan esleitu ziren, eta egungo aurrekontua 139,4 milioi eurokoa da. Donostiako metro-pasantearen... [+]